Merge Tags in an email are temporary or dynamic text or variables that are inserted into a template. These merge tags or placeholders act as markers that are later replaced with actual values when the email is sent or generated. They allow for personalisation and customisation of email content without the need to manually write each email from scratch.
By using merge tags, you can create email templates that can be easily customised for each recipient, saving time and effort while still providing a personalised experience. The actual values for these merge tags are typically pulled from your own database when the email is generated or sent either from the engage or the contact dashboard.
Merge tags can be used in a document for emails, receipts, and letters. Payment-related merge tags need to be used in association with a payment, for example in a receipt.
From the document editor, the @ symbol will bring up a drop-down list of available merge fields for quick reference. Alternately click inside a Text content block to activate the document editing tools then click Merge tags.
Note: Merge tags are case-sensitive so it is highly recommended to select from the list rather than manually entering them.
Vega has merge tags relating to Branches, Contacts, Payments, Organisation, General, Widget, Annual Receipts, and Tickets.
Contacts |
#SupporterID# |
Vega ID |
Contact auto-generated Vega ID |
Contacts |
#OrgID# |
Org ID |
Contact optional Org ID |
Contacts |
#SuppID# |
Supp ID |
Contact auto-generated Supp ID |
Contacts |
#AccountName# |
Account Name |
Contact Account Name |
Contacts |
#FirstName# |
First Name |
Contact First Name |
Contacts |
#LastName# |
Last Name |
Contact Last Name |
Contacts |
#Salutation# |
Salutation |
Contact Salutation - Greet as field |
Contacts |
#Title# |
Title |
Contact Title field |
Contacts |
#DOB# |
Date of Birth |
Contact Birth date as per the contact dashboard |
Contacts |
#Address1# |
Address Line 1 |
Contact Address line 1, usually house/apartment name or number and street |
Contacts |
#Address2# |
Address Line 2 |
Contact Address line 2, sometimes used for RD addresses |
Contacts |
#Address3# |
Address Line 3 |
Contact Address line 3, when an additional line is required |
Contacts |
#Address4# |
Address Line 4 |
Contact Address Suburb field |
Contacts |
#Address5# |
Address Line 5 |
Contact Address City field |
Contacts |
#PostCode# |
Postcode |
Contact Address Postcode field |
Contacts |
#AddressBlock# |
Full Address |
Contact full Address- address lines 1-4 and postcode |
Contacts |
#AddressBlockAustralia# |
Full Address |
Contact Address as per Australian address formatting: The suburb OR city field can be used, both will not show in this address format |
Contacts |
#AddressBlockWithOrganisation# |
Full Address with Organisation name |
Contact full Address with Organisation name as the first line |
Contacts |
#Organisation# |
Organisation Name |
Name of Supporter’s place of work |
Contacts |
#Department# |
Department |
Contact Department field on the contact dashboard |
Contacts |
#JobTitle# |
Job Title |
Contact Job Title field on the contact dashboard |
Contacts |
#PaymentftPromptFirst# |
First Payment Ask |
Suggested donation ask amount based on contact’s first payment |
Contacts |
#PaymentPromptSecond# |
Second Payment Ask |
Suggested donation ask amount based on a 40% increase on contact’s first payment |
Contacts |
#PaymentPromptThird# |
Third Payment Ask |
Suggested donation ask amount based on a 100% increase on contact’s first payment |
Contacts |
#HomePhone# |
Home Telephone |
Phone number with type Home |
Contacts |
#Mobile# |
Mobile Number |
Phone number with type Mobile |
Contacts |
#MainPhone# |
Main Phone |
Phone number with type Main |
Contacts |
#WorkPhone# |
Work Phone |
Phone number with type Work |
Contacts |
#MembershipStartDate# |
Membership Start Date |
Open membership start date |
Payments |
#AnnualReceipt# |
Annual Receipt Amount |
Total amount of Supporter’s annual recurring donations |
Payments |
#CurrentMembershipExpires# |
Membership Expiry Date |
The date Membership expires |
Payments |
#DonationDate# |
Donation Date |
The date donation is processed in Vega |
Payments |
#DonationAmount# |
Donation Amount |
The total amount donated |
Payments |
#PaymentMembershipFrom# |
Membership Payment From |
Name of Supporter who has payment a Membership to another Supporter |
Payments |
#GiftParticulars# |
Payment Details |
Personal information and/or messaging relating to Supporter’s donation that can be included on payment receipt, e.g. InMemoriam and the "Pay Details" field in the payment form. |
Payments |
#InMemoryOf# |
Name of Deceased |
This is the name of the deceased that an InMemoriam payment is being made in memory of |
Payments |
#InMemoriamList# |
In-Memoriam Distribution List |
This is a list of contacts who have given money on behalf of the deceased |
Payments |
#MembershipAmount# |
Membership Amount |
The membership payment amount |
Payments |
#MembershipType# |
Membership Type |
Type of Membership, ie. Individual, Couple, Gold Membership |
Payments |
#NetDonation# |
Net Donation |
This is the donation amount minus any associated costs |
Payments |
#ReceiptNo# |
Receipt Number |
This is Supporter’s receipt number |
Payments |
#TotalAmount# |
Total Amount |
The total amount of donation includes membership payment plus donation |
Payments |
#PaymentType# |
Payment Type |
It shows the type of payments. For instance, Cash, Credit Card etc |
Payments |
#Particulars# |
Payment Particulars |
Particulars field on the payment |
Payments |
#Reference# |
Payment Reference |
Reference field on the payment |
Payments |
#Code# |
Payment Code |
Code field on the payment |
Payments |
#RecurAmount# |
Total Amount |
The Recurrence Amount |
Payments |
#RecurFirstPayDate# |
Payment Date |
The date the recurrence was started * (To use only for payments generated via the Vega platform not the widget) |
Payments |
#RecurFrequency# |
Recurring Details Frequency |
The recurrence frequency (monthly, weekly, Annually etc) * (To use only for payments generated via the Vega platform not the widget) |
Payments |
#RecurNextDueDate# |
Next Take Date |
The date the next payment is due. * (To use only for payments generated via the Vega platform not the widget) |
Payments |
#RecurPayType# |
Recurring Payment Type |
Recurrence payment type, credit card, direct debit etc. (Vega Only) |
Payments |
#RecurPayDetails# |
Recurring Pay Details |
Any data added to the Pay Details box on a recurring payment. |
Payments | #DistributionSummary# | Distribution Summary |
This will display a grid, showing a row for each GL code distribution in the payment and a total row. The columns included are Category, Product, Qty, GST, and Total amount. (Product, Qty, GST, are only included if they are applicable for the payment being populated in this merge tag) (Vega Only) |
#DistributionSummary# Ticket purchase with donation example: #DistributionSummary# Membership payment with donation example: |
Organisation |
#LogoPath# |
Organisation Logo |
To insert Organisation Logo uploaded to Vega |
Organisation |
#OrgName# |
Organisation Name |
Organisation Name |
Organisation |
#OrgAddressBlock# |
Organisation Full Address |
Full Address of Organisation that includes address lines 1-4 and postcode |
Organisation |
#OrgCCNumber# |
Registered Charity Number |
The Charity Commission’s Registration Number |
Organisation |
#OrgIRDNumber# |
IRD Number |
The Supporter/Organisation’s Inland Revenue Number |
Organisation |
#OrgSignatureImage# |
Organisation Signature |
Organisation footer image |
Organisation |
#OrgSignatureText# |
Organisation Signature Text |
Organisation footer text |
Organisation |
#UserSignatureImage# |
Vega User Signature |
Vega User footer image, usually personal correspondence |
Organisation |
#UserSignatureText# |
Vega User Signature Text |
Vega User footer text, usually personal correspondence |
General |
#Date# |
Date |
Today’s Date |
General |
#Unsubscribe# |
Email Unsubscribes |
Email addresses that have opted to unsubscribe. Note the option for ‘Unsubscribe’ in the document editor will insert an unsubscribe link. |
General |
#ViewInBrowserLink# |
View Email in Browser Link |
Inserts a link to view the email in the recipient's browser |
General |
#ViewInBrowserURL# |
View Email in Browser URL |
Inserts the URL to view the email template in the recipient's browser |
Widget | #WidgetName# | Widget Name | Name of the widget |
Widget | #SubMessage# | Membership year | Membership widget only. Will show on a notification document - the start year and end year of a membership. |
Widget | #ReasonForContact# | Reason for contact |
Contact Widget Only. Will show on a notification document - Reason selected by the user from Reason for contact dropdown. |
Widget | #Comments# | Comments |
Will show on a notification document - if donor types into the Comments box on their donation. |
Widget | #Frequency# | Recurrence frequency |
Shows the recurrence frequency chosen in a widget |
Annual Receipt
Annual Receipt | #AnnualReceiptNo# | Annual Receipt No |
Takes the annual receipt number generated above. If this isn't selected then this merge tag will be blank. |
Annual Receipt | #AnnualReceiptTotal# | Annual receipt Total |
Summarises the payments selected above. |
Annual Receipt | #AnnualReceiptPaymentList# | Annual Receipt Payment List |
Generates a list of payment date and the amount for all payments selected above. Only fill in if Include Payment Breakdown in Receipt is selected above. |
Tickets | #TicketDescription# | Ticket Description | This is populated by the attribute name being used for the ticket type. When multiple ticket types are purchased the descriptions will all be displayed, separated by commas. (Vega Only) |
Tickets | #TicketNos# | Ticket Numbers | This will display the ticket number range purchased. When multiple ticket types are purchased the numbers for each type will be displayed, separated by commas. (Vega Only) |
Tickets | #TicketQty# | Ticket Quantity | This will display the quantity of tickets purchased. When multiple ticket types are purchased the quantity of each type will be displayed, separated by commas. (Vega Only) |
Tickets | #TicketPrice# | Ticket Price | This will display the total price of each ticket type purchased. When multiple ticket types are purchased, the price of each type will be displayed, separated by commas. (Vega Only) |
Tickets | #TicketSummary# | Ticket Summary |
This will display a grid, showing a row for each ticket type purchased and a total row. The columns included are Product, Qty, Ticket numbers, GST (if included on at least one ticket type), and Total amount. (Vega Only) |
#TicketSummary# Example: |
Branches | #BranchSignatureImage# | Branch Signature Image | The Signature file/image loaded on the Branch. |
Branches | #BranchSignatureText# | Branch Signature Text | Use this field as a text alternative to the Branch Signature Image. |
Branches | #BranchAddress# | Branch Address | The Branch's Address. |
Branches | #BranchPhone# | Branch Phone | The Branch's Phone Number. |
Branches | #BranchName# | Branch Name | The Branch's Name. |
Branches | #BranchGST# | Branch GST | The Branch's GST Number. |
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