You create a campaign EVENT and invite current contacts to attend. You get a response from your supporters and each individual contact gets a record to say they said YES to your invitation.
But to find anyone who has ever attended an event, any event, means you have to go through all the people who responded YES to any invitation, covering maybe dozens of events.
To make this easier, you can ask the EVENT dialogue to add an Attribute to all respondents, for example, “Event Attendee”. This doesn’t reference any event but highlights that the person is open to attending events. Your next invitation should always go first to Event Attendees. If you ever want to know how many people attended events in a certain period, again your count is easy.
Other triggers that can create useful Attributes might be the move from Prospect to Donor or on joining a Regular Giving programme. A contact's first donation can trigger an Attribute that says “Donor” or “Regular Donor”. These attributes, in turn, can trigger communications workflows to induct the donor.
Attributes you define based on queries you will need to run
- Attribute Type = Contact Preferences:
- Attributes:
- No Email
- Email Only
- No Phone Calls
- Newsletter by Email etc
- Attributes:
Or a journey Attribute Structure for High Donors;
- Attribute Type = High Donor Pathway
- Attributes may be;
- Prospect
- Research
- Proposal Requested
- Proposal Accepted / Rejected
- Pledge Received
- Gift Received
- Attributes may be;
Contact Type is an obvious attribute type;
- Attributes associated with Contact Type may be;
- Individual
- Corporate
- School
- Trust
- Media
- Client
- Sponsor
Contact Source is a good Attribute Type
- Attributes might be;
- Website
- Event
- Prospecting
Donor Type is an Attribute Type
- Prospect
- One-Off Donor
- Regular Donor
- Might be some attributes
Ethnicity is an Attribute Type
- European
- Maori
- Samoan
- Chinese and so on are attributes associated with that type
An Attribute is something you attach to a contact.
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