Income transactions can be imported from MYOB and matched to existing payments or used to create new payments in vega.
You will first need to connect vega to MYOB if you have not done so already, as well as import your bank accounts and GL codes from MYOB to vega.
Payments will be matched or created as per the whole amount in the MYOB transaction. If this is made up of multiple lines, the total amount will be used when imported to vega.
Go to Money > Bank Transactions
The next screen will give you three options:
Import Latest Transactions
When you are wanting to import new transactions to match or create these in vega, you can select the date range to use and then choose MYOB from the Select API dropdown.
This will load all income payments from your MYOB account within the chosen date range, excluding any payments that were posted from vega to MYOB.
There is a Key to describe the corresponding image at the start of each row:
Key Icon |
Explanation |
This will show when the payment from MYOB matches a contact in vega based on the below criteria: - Previous saved Match - MYOB payment reference = vega ID - MYOB payment name = vega contact account name - MYOB payment reference = vega contact account name - MYOB payment reference = vega contact email address A contact will be selected as a match based on the order above. For example, if an MYOB payment is imported with the reference number matching a vega ID, this will be matched regardless of the account name matching. Only previously saved matches will match to an inactive contact, all new matches will only be for active contacts. Each new contact match will automatically save to your cross-references. There is the option to click Remove to update the transaction to not match the vega contact being displayed. This can also be used to remove this transaction from this specific batch creation. |
This shows you if the transaction being imported from MYOB matches on contact and payment details. The contact details must first match one of the options as described above. The payment must be the same amount, rounded to the nearest dollar, and within 5 days on either side of the payment date in vega. If the transaction's contact matches multiple vega contacts but a matching payment exists on any of these, it will show as a transaction match with this contact. There is the option to click Remove to update the transaction to not match the vega contact or payment being displayed. This can also be used to remove this transaction from this specific batch creation. |
This shows that there are no possible contact matches as per the criteria shown above. Clicking Find Transaction will allow you to search for transactions matching the detail of the payment being imported. This will default to the date range you are currently importing transactions for and if no matching amount can be found then all payment amounts will be displayed. Clicking Find Person will open a pop-up window where you can search for your contact or create a new contact. |
Finding a transaction or contact:
All transactions marked as Approved, with the green tick at the end of the row, will be created into a new vega batch. Any matched transactions will be updated and added to this batch, all approved transactions will be added to the same batch.
You will see in the example below that transactions are matching to a vega contact based on the different criteria explained above. Transactions are being matched based on the amount, and date, with one payment not being an exact date match.
Click Create Batch From Approves Transactions to select your batch settings and import the transactions.
With all payments being added to the same batch and new payments being assigned the same campaign and receipt document, transactions can be removed from the list to process multiple imports for transactions with the same detail.
For example, all regular giving campaign payments can be kept as approved and imported into a monthly RG batch with the same campaign. Transactions can then be imported again to refresh the matches and all transactions for the latest campaign are imported into a monthly campaign batch with a different campaign and receipt document assigned to these.
Please note: Payments from your gateway which have already been processed in vega should not be imported. For example, the bulk weekly payment from Stripe is already in vega as individual payments from your widgets and manual payments.
New and matched payment settings
Batch | The batch code will auto-populate as API Import [MonthYear] but an existing unposted batch within the last 4 months can also be selected and this name can be edited. All approved transactions are added to the same batch | The batch code will auto-populate as API Import [MonthYear] but an existing unposted batch within the last 4 months can also be selected and this name can be edited. All approved transactions are added to the same batch |
Campaign | The campaign chosen in the batch setup will be used | This will not be updated, the campaign on the existing payment will be kept |
Receipt Document | The receipt document chosen in the batch setup will be used | This will not be updated, the receipt document on the existing payment will be kept |
GL Code (Category) | This does not need to be selected in the batch set up, the GL Code from MYOB will be used on the new payments | The GL Code will be updated to that of the one coming from MYOB, if the GL Code is the same there will be no change |
Pay Date | The pay date from MYOB will be used in the new transactions | The pay date will be updated to that of the one coming from MYOB, if the pay date is the same there will be no change |
Pay Amount | The pay amount from MYOB will be used in the new transactions | The pay amount will be updated to that of the one coming from MYOB, if the pay amount is the same there will be no change |
Pay Details | The payment reference from MYOB will be added to the pay details | The pay details will not be updated |
Pay Type | All new transactions will have pay type of Direct Credit | The pay type will not be changed from the existing payment |
Receipt Number | Payments will have a receipt number issued as per your Financial Settings and if the receipt document has the Tax Receipt document tag | The receipt number will not be changed from the existing payment |
Payment Status | All payments will be Posted | All payments will be Posted |
Here is a comparison of the transactions coming fro MYOB and once they have been imported to vega and show in the batch.
Imported Transactions:
Payments in batch:
Please view the screen recording below to see the whole process detailed above:
View Existing Transactions
This will display any payments you have already imported from MYOB to vega but have not been processed yet. These transactions can then be matched or created into a batch from here. The same detail and options described above apply to this section.
View Cross References
This will display a grid showing all of your saved matches. A contact in vega can be matched to multiple detail sets from MYOB, for example, a contact might have an AP set up with a certain reference but then donate casually to appeals with a different reference and these would be saved as two matches to the same contact in vega. The grid is ordered by vega ID so you can easily see each MYOB to one vega contact.
This grid also shows if the contact in vega has an active status or not. New transaction detail from MYOB will not match an inactive contact but previously saved matches can still be matched to an inactive contact. This could be the case if a contact has been merged and the inactive contact is still saved as a cross-reference match. Any match can easily be removed by clicking the Remove button at the start of the row.
The image above is an example of how your cross-references will be displayed, showing the vega ID and name of the contact and each MYOB contact name and reference combination being matched. You can easily see when this match has been modified/ added with an indicator of those added in the current month for any checks needed. It is important to check any inactive contacts being used as a match and update these when necessary by clicking the Remove button.
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