The Vega raffle module is available as an add-on for any organisation. This article will detail each aspect of running a successful raffle and list the tasks involved.
Raffles are all about promotion. Having exciting prizes and a good cause can generate real revenue for your organisation but you need to promote it, and Vega can really help with that. Running a raffle in Vega will provide you with a widget to embed on your website, allowing online ticket purchases configured for your needs. Engaging emails to promote your raffle can be sent to your contact database via Vega, as well as documents and workflows to issue tickets and acknowledge the purchaser.
In Vega, a campaign header can have many raffle channel campaign actions to represent different streams within the same raffle campaign. For example, a raffle may consist of different raffle channel actions for telefundraising, recurring donors, direct mail etc. These will be created as individual raffle channel actions but all tickets will be available to enter the same draw.
Once your raffle purchase period has come to an end and you have reconciled the funds received by your raffle, a draw can be configured in Vega. The draw will be run within Vega and select the specified number of winners from the available pool, displaying the details on the screen. The raffle requires a staff member to authorise the tickets included and validate the results.
If you are an NZ class 3 raffle you need to submit an audit and prize statement within 3 months of the draw, the information needed for this audit can be found in available Vega ega raffle reports.
The raffle module fee is invoiced after the lottery is complete and 100% of donations go to your organisation.
Raffle process
- Source your prize(s) and start to plan your raffle; what size will it be, what licence will you need, and what ticket options and bundles will you offer?
- Get in touch with Vega support to sign up, activate the raffle module within your Vega and start the setup process.
- You will be asked to provide information on:
- Raffle name
- Target income
- Ways tickets will be sold
- Number of tickets available
- Ticket number ranges
- Types of tickets, books, bonus tickets etc.
- Date and time tickets will be available for sale, from and to
- Financial coding within Vega for ticket sales and additional donations
- Receipting preferences for tickets and donations
- Any additional information to be captured on the raffle widget
- Date and time of the raffle draw- this needs to be at least 3 days after your ticket purchasing has stopped
- Number of draws and winners
- To sell raffle tickets online, you will need to apply for a licence.
- As part of the establishment, Vega will configure your raffle setup based on the information provided. The setup consists of:
- Ticket options are created as attributes, using the attribute group Products.
- A campaign action is created, and multiple actions can be created if you have more than one raffle channel for selling tickets.
- A widget is configured to accept online purchases, including any additional fields required.
- Create the acknowledgement and ticket fulfillment documents based on Vega templates, any material needed for tickets and receipting will need to be provided if Vega is configuring your raffle for you.
- A ticket workflow will be configured, tickets will be sent via email to the purchaser within 20 minutes of the widget submission. This time is required for the widget to process and validate the purchase before a ticket can be issued to the recipient.
- Promote your raffle! It is best practice to promote your raffle across all available channels and vega provides the functionality to allow you to send emails, print direct mail, and manage telefundraising calls to generate the best result for your raffle.
- Use the Vega reports and insights to monitor the success of your raffle throughout.
- Once you have reached the end of your ticket purchasing period, an audit must be completed to reconcile all ticket purchases and donations received for the raffle.
- Vega support will help with configuring the raffle draws required but a staff member will need to be available to validate and run the draw.
- Winners will be displayed on the screen so that they can be contacted and notified of their wins. If you are an NZ class 3 licence, winners must be notified in accordance with the method printed on the tickets.
It is the responsibility of your organisation to ensure that you have the correct licence required before running a raffle and that all requirements of the licence are met.
NZ Licensing
In New Zealand, you will need to apply for a Class 3 Lottery Licence. You will need to ensure your ticketing includes all the necessary detail and information on your raffle and it is available to the public. You can find all requirements and apply for your licence at Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs.
The documents you will need to supply with your licence application are available in Vega as templates, 'Raffle Ticket Fulfillment Template' and 'Event Ticket Terms and Conditions NZ'. You will need documents based on these templates, completed with your specific details, to submit your licence application.
Australia Licencing
Please use the links below to find all details about licence requirements in each state:
New South Wales - NSW Fair Trading
Victoria - Victorian Gambling and Cassino Control Commission
South Australia - Consumer and Business Services
Western Australia - Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor
Queensland - Business Queensland
Tasmania - Department of Treasury and Finance
Northern Territory - Licensing Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory - ACT Gambling and Racing Commission
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