If you have not yet set up your raffle campaign, or configured your ticket fulfillment workflow, please follow the linked articles first.
When you're running a raffle campaign it is important to report on its progress throughout the campaign and vega offers various ways to do this.
From the Engage tab, you will see some quick metrics about your raffle campaign when you expand the campaign header:
The first highlighted area shows some metrics on the whole campaign header, this will include totals for all actions within the header and show a target bar and the percent achieved across all actions if one has been included on your campaign header.
The second highlighted area shows metrics on each campaign action, this will be the number of contacts who have made a ticket purchase, the target of the specific action, and the total money raised from tickets and donations. These metrics are updated every hour so will not always be a live result but will give you an idea of the campaign's success.
Clicking Show All Actions will also open a new page with all actions for the campaign header with some further metrics.
The first highlighted box shows the same overall metrics for the campaign header. The metrics for each action now includes the total payments received as well as a button to View Stats which will open email metrics for the campaign action. The email metrics will show the delivery results for all emails sent in association with this campaign, including the ticket fulfillment workflow emails. This allows you to monitor any ticket emails that may have bounced to attempt delivery again and ensure all tickets are delivered to the recipients.
Raffle campaign action
From Engage you can open your current raffle campaign at any point to view the insights, recipients, purchases, donations, and audit.
On the left-hand side, you can see various insights listed to give you an overall view of how your raffle campaign is doing.
The recipients tab in the raffle campaign action will include details of all contacts who have been sent communication from within the campaign action.
The purchased tab will list all contacts who have purchased tickets for the raffle. The quantity is the total ticket quantity included for their ticket types and you will also see any additional donations given.
From this table, you can click on any row to open the contact.
Donated Only
The donated only tab will list all contacts who have made a donation towards the raffle campaign but not purchased tickets.
From this table, you can click on any row to open the contact.
The audit tab will display each edit and update that is made to the campaign action. This table will detail the change that has been made, when it was made, who made the change, and the changed values. Every time a purchase is made the audit tab will record that the next number has been updated, as well as edits to the raffle details and publishing. If the table shows the change was made by the Relationship Server then it was from a widget transaction.
There are also reports available from Insights > Product Analysis.
The Cumulative Product Totals report includes options to filter by date range, campaign, and product.
The results available in this report are separated across four tabs, Summarised Results, Unsummarised Result, Purchases, Donations, and Cancelled.
My Lists
When you created your raffle campaign action a list will have been automatically created under Contacts > My Lists.
The list will be named after your raffle campaign name and Respondents. This list will show as a Campaign List type and linked to the raffle campaign. The results of this list will include all successful ticket purchases.
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