To create or edit attributes, you will need to have a user account with administrative access. Navigate to the admin tab and click on 'Attributes'.
You will be taken to the Attribute Maintenance page, with all of your current Attribute Types available to view on the left-hand side. These will be ordered based on the sequence number of the attribute type. Clicking the Name column will allow you to order these alphabetically on the name and easily find the relevant attribute type.
Attribute Groups
Selecting the Attribute Group tab will allow you to edit your current groups or add a new one:
![]() |
Clicking the pencil will allow you to edit the Group Name, Sequence, or change from Active and then click the green plus to save your changes. The big green plus will allow you to add a new group.
There is also a dropdown filter on the Attribute Types tab to easily filter these by the Attribute Group:
Attribute Types
This same process is used to edit a current attribute type or add a new one.
- ID- This will be automatically generated when the new attribute type is saved.
- Name- Name of your attribute type.
- Group- Select the relevant group for this attribute type.
- Sequence- Determine the order in which this attribute type will show in the list in attribute maintenance and when adding an attribute to a contact. The most frequently used attribute types can have the lowest sequence number so they are easy to find at the top of the list.
- Is Active- Tick to make your attribute type Active. Attribute types that are no longer required can be unticked as Active to remove them from your maintenance page. Inactive attribute types will no longer show any of their attributes on the contacts or be able to be reported on.
- Is Visible- Tick to show the attribute type and attributes within this type on the contact. An attribute type can be Active but Not Visible so that it can be reported on but cannot be seen when viewing the contact.
- Is Unique- If an attribute type is unique then a contact can only have one of the attributes with an open status at a time. If an additional attribute within this type is added, the previous attribute will be automatically closed.
- Is Status Attribute- This option is available for attribute types that are set as 'Is Unique' only. Ticking this option will display a dropdown on the contact dashboard, underneath the Account and Mail status options with the label for your attribute type name. This will show for all contacts in your organisation, regardless if they have one of the attributes or not but will show as None for those contacts without an attribute in the type. eg:
Please note- The Active and Visible options should both be ticked to be able to see and use the attribute type. If both of these are unticked the attribute type and attributes within it will not be available to use or see anywhere in Vega.
When your new attribute type has been added, or you have found the current one to edit, click View to see the attributes within this type on the right-hand side. A newly created type will need to have attributes added to it from this view also.
- ID- This will be automatically generated when the new attribute is saved.
- Name- Name of your attribute.
- Short Code- Optional to include a short code for this attribute.
- Sequence- Determine the order in which this attribute will show in the list when adding an attribute to a contact or when it's used in a widget. The most frequently used attributes can have the lowest sequence number so they are easy to find at the top of the list once the type is selected.
- Is Active- Tick to make your attribute Active. Attributes that are no longer required can be unticked as Active. Inactive attributes will no longer be available to add to a contact but will show in the maintenance and on current contacts if Is Visible is still ticked.
- Is Visible- Tick to use the attribute and show it on the contact. An attribute can be Active but Not Visible so that it can be reported on but cannot be seen when viewing the contact.
- Show On Dashboard- Tick to display this attribute on the contact dashboard underneath Key Attributes. This can be used for the most important attributes which need to be seen straight away, they will also show on the standard attributes tab for the contact. Depending on your financial settings, these attributes can also be displayed on the payment form.
- Is Unique- If an attribute is unique then a contact can only have one of these attributes with an open status at a time. If the same attribute is added to the contact, the previous one will be automatically updated to a closed status.
- Show Assigned User- Tick to show the Assigned User dropdown when an attribute is added to a contact. The dropdown will be populated with all active users in your organisation and allows you to link a specific contact and attribute to a staff member. The linked user will then be able to easily find this contact using the My Contacts search option.
Please note- The Active and Visible options should both be ticked to be able to see and use the attribute. If both of these are unticked the attribute will not be available to use or see anywhere in Vega.
Advanced Attribute Form
To access further attribute details click the ellipsis (three dots) button on the right-hand side of the attribute row.
This will give you access to the Advanced Attribute Form where you can find more advanced options.
From here there are further options and settings which can be applied to the attribute as well as the same settings as detailed in the previous screen:
- Attribute Type- You can change the type this attribute belongs to by selecting a new attribute type from the dropdown.
- Short Code- Edit the attribute short code.
- Attribute Name- Edit the attribute name.
- Attribute Notes- Add additional detail about this attribute for your user's information.
- Show on Contact Dashboard- Edit the setting as detailed above.
- Is Active- Edit the setting as detailed above.
- Is Visible- Edit the setting as detailed above.
- Is unique- Edit the setting as detailed above.
- Is Foundation- Tick this to automatically assign this attribute to every new contact created.
- Show Assigned User- Edit the setting as detailed above.
- Sub Type- General attributes should be set as None, only certain attributes require a specific subtype:
Sub Type | Explanation |
Call Management | Used for Telefundraising attributes to remove the contact from the current calling list completely |
Call Back | Used for Telefundraising attributes to remove the contact from the current calling list until the start date of the selected attribute |
None | For all non-specific attributes |
Active | Used for Mail Status Reasons and Entity Status attributes to show when the Status is ticked as Active |
Inactive | Used for Mail Status Reasons and Entity Status attributes to show when the Status is un-ticked as Inactive |
Multiple | Used for Contact Category attributes to display a Group form where primary contact details are optional |
Single | Used for Contact Category attributes to display an Individual form |
The Add Attribute Rule button on the right-hand side of the page is used for adding a workflow to this attribute, read more detail here.
The Add Attribute Trigger button on the right-hand side of the page is used for adding further attribute actions based on the current attribute, read more detail here.
The Add Linked Attribute button on the right-hand side of the page is used for linking another attribute to this attribute, read more detail here.
The Add Linked User button on the right-hand side of the page is used for linking a user to this attribute, read more detail here.
Once you are finished click the 'Save' button to save the changes.
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