Transactions can be imported from your bank files and matched to existing payments or used to create new payments in Vega. Each payment to be imported must be matched to an existing contact in Vega.
The bank files available for import are:
This process can be done from Money > Bank Transactions
The next screen will give you two options:
Click Import and then select your banking option from the dropdown and Import Transactions:
You will then be able to upload your banking CSV file:
You will get an error if you try to upload a file that does not fit the format of the selected banking option.
Vega will load the transactions from your banking file into the import view, showing any matched transactions, matched contacts and payments that need to be matched.
Vega will match contacts based on the name coming from the bank file name or reference field, a Vega ID stored in the reference field, or a previously saved match from the cross references.
When you manually match the incoming details to a contact you can save the matches and when the same details are imported again the contact will be automatically matched.
When you have matched the incoming payments to the correct contacts and/or payments you can then create a batch for these. Payments can be un-selected with the checkboxes on the right to group payments by the same financial information when creating the batch.
The button Create Batch From Selected Transactions will load the pop-up shown below:
You can select an existing un-posted batch or New from the dropdown to create a new batch.
The batch code is the name of your batch.
The options selected for Pay Type, GL Code, Campaign, Receipt Document, and Send By will be used for all new payments being created. If an incoming payment has been matched to a Vega transactions then only the amount and date will be updated if these are different.
Click Post to Batch to create the payments.
Your import view will then be updated with any remaining available payments where this process can be completed again with different financial coding to create the next set of payments.
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