The end of a financial year is never an easy time but the annual receipt generator in vega can help. This tool allows you to thank your donors and issue their end-of-year receipts in one process.
- Overview
- Where to find the annual receipt generator?
- Select a new annual receipt query or load an existing annual receipt query
- Receipting options
- Search Results
- Results page buttons
- Select Delivery Method
- Annual Receipt Document
- Merge Fields/Tags
There are different ways this can be managed, depending on your needs:
- Only receipt recurring payments that do not have a receipt document.
- Only receipt recurring payments that do not have a tax receipt document.
- Receipt all payments that do not have a receipt document.
- Receipt all payments that do not have a tax receipt document.
The options outlined above depend on your Receipt Settings under Admin and use of Document Tags.
The annual receipt generator works by excluding any payment that has a document. This includes any payment with a Receipt Type document assigned, a document sent from a widget payment, or a document downloaded or emailed from a payment on the contact.
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If the above setting is on, then only payments with a document that has the tag Tax Receipt will be excluded from the annual receipt generator. This includes attachment documents also.
If this setting is off, then all payments with any document assigned or previously sent will be excluded from the annual receipt generator.
It is possible to turn this setting on at any point and update your documents with the Tax Receipt tag to ensure only the correct payments are being included here, even those that have already been emailed or downloaded.
"Please ensure your Annual Receipt document also has Annual Receipt and Tax Receipt tags added.
The Annual Receipt Generator will only generate a receipt for a total donation value over $5."
The Annual Receipt Generator is found under the Money tab:
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Select a new annual receipt query or load an existing annual receipt query.
Note: This drop-down contains previous annual receipt queries created in this form, it does not contain queries created through the query tool. If you wish to use query data add them to a list and include/exclude this data in the list section below.
If you select an existing query all the query details will load.
If you select a new query then you will be asked to enter a Query name.
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Receipting options
- Financial Year - select the dates you want to receipt payments between.
- Include Contact Type - All, Email Only, or No Email Only.
- All - All contacts regardless of an email address.
- Emails Only - Only contacts with an email address.
- No Emails Only - Only contacts without an email address.
- Include Recurring Payments Only - Only payments connected to a recurring payment will be receipted.
- Include All Payments - All payments between the selected dates will be receipted.
- Include Lists - Only people in the selected lists will be included, except if they are included in any of the excluded lists. Press ctrl on your keyboard and then click multiple lists to include all of these.
- Exclude Lists - Anyone is the excluded lists will not be included in the annual receipt recipients. Press ctrl on your keyboard and then click multiple lists to exclude all of these.
- Include GL Codes - Only include payments with the selected GL Codes. Press ctrl on your keyboard and then click multiple names to include all of these GL Codes, this is a way you can exclude specific GL Codes also.
- Exclude Attributes - Anyone with the selected attributes will be excluded. Press ctrl on your keyboard and then click multiple attributes to exclude contacts with any of these.
These options allow you to create multiple annual receipt queries for specific groups of contacts, such as VIPs or high donors, etc. who you may wish to receive a different email. There may be a group of contacts that you would like to include an upgrade ask for which could be separated out here also.
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Search Results
Search results return the payment details for the selected dates and query parameters. You can search the grid using the search box.
• Summarised Results - shows a row for each contact with their payment date range, total amount, count, recurrence amount, recurrence frequencies, expected count, and contact information.
• All Results- shows a row for each payment for every contact
• Excel - exports the search results to Excel, including a sheet for summarised and all results.
Results page buttons
• Refine Search - takes you back to the query form.
• Save - will save the query details.
• Select Delivery Method - takes you to the next page.
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Select Delivery Method
Sends the selected results to the email server and an email will be automatically sent to the address for each contact.
- Send Receipts On - Select the date and time for your email receipts to be processed.
- Receipt - Select the document you would like to send. This document can be saved with an attachment to allow one document to be the email content and the PDF attachment to be your receipt document.
- Generate PDF Copy - A PDF copy of receipts will also be generated and included in a user alert for download.
Sends the selected results to the document server and the user will receive an alert with a link to download the file. This link is also available from the user's vega mailbox.
- Receipt - Select the document you would like to be used to create the PDF receipt. This document can be saved with an attachment if you would like to include a thank you letter and a separate receipt document to send to your donors.
Annual Receipt Document
The following Merge Fileds must be added to your Annual Receipt template. These merge tags will replace the #AnnualRecceipt# used in the past.
Merge Fields/Tags
Takes the annual receipt number generated above.
Generates the total amount being receipted and includes $.
Generates a list of payment dates and the amounts for all payments generated. This will be populated as one vertical list as (pay date) - $(pay amount)
Don't have an annual receipt template?
Use one of our vega Pre-designed Annual Receipt Templates
Once the Annual Receipt Generator has been processed, each payment included will be assigned a new annual receipt number and given an annual receipt date.
This will also be included in the Mailings & Email Receipts tab on the contact, showing the document used for your receipt.
After your annual receipts are processed a new campaign action will be created under an existing Annual Receipts campaign header or a new header will also be created.
Depending on the delivery method chosen an email or PDF action will be created for these.
If sending your receipts by email, this allows you to review the deliverability and engagement of your recipients based on the email metrics.
These will be recorded on the contact as a campaign sent to the contact.
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