You may have noticed that your vega emails look different in Microsoft Outlook than in other email clients, such as Gmail or Apple Mail. When it comes to rendering emails, every email client has a different approach based on its own unique standards. This article will provide information on email renders in Microsoft Outlook.
Regarding Rendering Issues with Microsoft Outlook 2016 and 2019
Microsoft Outlook does not render email images correctly at times. Emails created in vega will display regular, static background images for Outlook 2016 and 2019. However, due to these rendering limitations on Microsoft Outlook’s part, dynamic content in sections with background images will not render correctly.
This means that vega email layouts that contain dynamic content will not render background images in Outlook 2016 or Outlook 2019, but will render correctly otherwise.Regarding HTML Rendering in Microsoft Outlook
vega cannot influence the way that Microsoft Outlook or other email clients render HTML emails. In light of this, vega has a Test feature built into the email designer that allows you to see what your emails look like in Outlook and other email clients. While your emails may look fantastic in Gmail, they may sometimes appear irregular when in Outlook.
Microsoft Outlook 2007, Microsoft Outlook 2010, and Microsoft Outlook 2013 use Microsoft Word to render the HTML of their emails. This causes the formatting of emails to be rendered differently from other email clients like Gmail or Apple Mail, due to the fact that Microsoft Word is meant for print design and not HTML. These versions of Microsoft Outlook do not support the following:
- Buttons
- Centre-aligned images
- Embedded fonts
- Padding/spacing
- Line height
Important: Microsoft no longer supports Outlook 2007. As such, vega does not guarantee that email templates and emails created in the email designer will render correctly in Microsoft Outlook 2007. In addition, due to how Microsoft Outlook currently renders emails, two-column layout email templates with an image and text will flip the layout of their renders when sent to clients hence vega and any other platform in the market provide a link to open the design in a browser.
We recommend that you try to send a test to a different email account like Gmail, Hotmail, Microsoft 365 etc. This will determine if what you have set up on your template is correct or if it is relative to the Outlook issues. In some cases you can also see at the top of the page in your service email a notification:
'To help protect your privacy, some content in this message has been blocked. To re-enable the blocked features, click here'. 'To always show content from this sender, click here'.
'To help protect your privacy, some content in this message has been blocked. To re-enable the blocked features, click here'. 'To always show content from this sender, click here'.
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