The Excel List campaign action can be used to generate an export of the recipients to be used in a mail merge, to be sent to a mail house for a direct mail campaign, for telefundraising calls, etc.
- Go to the 'Engage' section in vega and click the Campaign Header you would like to add your excel list campaign action under or create a new one
- Click 'New Action' and select action type Excel List
Name your Excel List
First, you must enter a name and code for your excel campaign and optionally other details before completing the other sections.
This section also allows you to include a link to a document and any widget links or use of the #GUID# merge tag in the document will be populated for each contact in the recipient list. If you're using this campaign action for tele fundraising calls, then it will allow an easy widget link to be included for processing payments or information updates for the contacts.
The dropdown will be populated with any document that has the Linked Form document tag on it.
Excel List Field | Explanation |
Name | Enter the name of your excel list campaign action. |
Code | Enter a short-hand code for your campaign action. |
Target | Enter the target income for this campaign action. |
Show Advanced Options | Click here to display further options. |
The advanced options allow you to set default values to be used when a payment is entered in vega and this campaign action is selected.
Advanced Option field | Explanation |
Response GL Code | Choose the default GL Code to be selected. |
Response Letter | Choose the default receipt document to be selected. |
Response Bank Account | Set the bank account to be linked for any payment to this campaign. |
Associated Entity | Link a contact to be associated with this campaign, it will be displayed on their contact under Campaigns associated to contact. |
Click Save and Continue to go to the next stage. There are options to Save as Draft or Remove Draft.
Next steps include adding the attributes and roles to the campaigns if you have specific staff or volunteers assigned for the campaign. There is also the option to add Tags to your campaign action, these can be used to filter the campaign dropdown when adding a payment in vega. You can skip these steps if not required.
Select your recipient list
This section allows you to create a recipient list to be included in the excel export of this campaign. Each recipient will have the campaign recorded on their contact, under the Campaigns tab. You are able to use as many queries as necessary to add and remove certain contacts to create the correct recipient list for this campaign.
Recipient List field | Explanation |
Select a Vega Preset or Saved Query | This dropdown will populate all of the vega preset queries and any custom queries created in your organisation. Select a query to either add or remove the resulting contacts to or from the campaign recipient list. |
Add to Recipients | Once you have selected your query, this button will add the results to the campaign recipient list. |
Remove from Recipients | Once you have selected your query, this button will remove the results from the campaign recipient list, if they exist. |
Select a saved list | This dropdown will populate all of your saved lists to then add or remove the resulting contacts to or from the recipient list. |
Add to Recipients | Once you have selected your list, this button will add the results to the campaign recipient list. |
Remove from Recipients | Once you have selected your list, this button will remove the results from the campaign recipient list, if they exist. |
Total Recipients | This will be updated each time contact are added or removed from the recipient list to show the total number of contacts included. |
Show Recipients |
Clicking this button will open a pop-up to display details of each contact included in the recipient list: From this view you are able to Search for specific values within the recipient list, select one or more contacts and click the Remove Person button to delete the contacts from the recipient list, click Add Person to search for a specific contact to add to the recipient list or Close to exit back to the campaign setup. |
Clear Recipients | This will completely clear the recipient list. |
Your excel list campaign action is now configured and can be exported by clicking the blue Download button at the bottom of your screen. There is also the option to Save as Draft if you have not completely finished configuring the campaign or Remove Draft to quit the setup of this campaign.
Below is a list of each column included in the excel export:
Export Columns |
EntityID |
EntityName |
AccountName |
Surname |
Address1 |
Address3 |
Address4 |
Address5 |
Membership |
MembershipAmount |
CurrentMembershipExpires |
Until |
JobTitle |
Organisation |
Department |
Salutation |
HomePhone |
MainPhone |
NLCount |
LastName |
FirstName |
NameID |
StreetName |
Address2 |
Suburb |
City |
PostCode |
Country |
ID |
FirstDonation |
SecondDonation |
ThirdDonation |
Prefix |
ScoperID |
ExportStreetName |
ExportAddress2 |
ExportSuburb |
ExportCity |
ExportPostCode |
LinkedForm |
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