Attribute rules can be configured to establish a workflow which automates the sending of specific emails. These can be used in a variety of situations; creating relevant donor journeys, sending reminders or alerting admin users.
Each attribute rule is attached to an attribute and once this attribute is added to a contact, the workflow will be triggered based on the rule assigned.
To set up a new attribute rule, you will first need to access the Attributes Maintenance page from Admin and then find the attribute you wish to add a rule to. Click More on the attribute to open the page below and then click Add Attribute Rule on the right-hand side:
This will open the below window for you to assign the relevant information:
- Workflow Document- Each attribute rule works with a document, this is what will be sent to the contact or admin user.
- Workflow Email- This is the From email address when the above document is sent.
- Workflow Rule and Rule Value- Select the relevant rule based on the reason for the workflow, further information below for each workflow rule:
Workflow Rule | Explanation | Rule Value | Example |
Birthday | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to the contact's primary email on their birthday, based on the date assigned in the Birth Date field on the Contact Dashboard. | N/A | All contacts with this attribute will receive a Happy Birthday email from your organisation. This attribute could be added to all contacts and set as Foundation to be automatically added to any new contact. |
Send To Financial Admin | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to all contacts with the attribute "Financial Admin" on the start date of the selected attribute. | N/A | This attribute can be assigned in a donation widget, general or perhaps a specific large gift ask. All contacts with the Financial Admin attribute will then receive a notice each time a donation is made. |
Send After Payment Received | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to all contacts with the attribute "Financial Admin" [x] number of minutes after a successful payment is added. This will trigger for any payment amount and type, as long as it is successful. | [x] Number of minutes | This rule can be used on an attribute such as VIP where you would always like to send a special follow up acknowledgement for their donation. |
Send To Financial Admin when Payment Received | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to the contact's primary email address [x] number of minutes after a successful payment is added. This will trigger for any payment amount and type, as long as it is successful. | [x] Number of minutes | This rule can be used on an attribute used to segment your contacts where you want to track donations received, such as high donors, VIPs, specific organisations. |
Send Reminder Months after Successful Payment | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to the contact's primary email address [x] number of months after a successful payment is added. This will trigger for any payment amount and type, as long as it is successful. | [x] Number of months | This attribute can be assigned to contacts who wish to receive a donation reminder. For example, attributes for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year could all be set up with a rule with the corresponding rule value to email the contact with a reminder and call to donate on your donation widget. |
Send to Membership Admin Days After Unrenewed | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to all contacts with the attribute "Membership Admin" [x] number of days after the selected membership attribute has passed its end date. | [x] Number of Days After | The membership admin staff member can be notified of all contacts who have not renewed after a certain date to follow up with a phone call. |
Send Days Before Renewal Due | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to the contact's primary email [x] number of days before the selected attribute end date. | [x] Number of Days Before | Members due for renewal will be sent a renewal notice 14 days and then 7 days before it is due with a GUID link to the membership widget to process their renewal payment. |
Send Days After Renewal Due | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to the contact's primary email [x] number of days after the selected attribute end date. | [x] Number of Days After | Members due for renewal, who did not respond to the above email, will be sent a reminder 3 days after and then 10 days after their renewal date has passed, with a GUID link to the membership widget to process the renewal payment. |
Send To Volunteer Admin | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to all contacts with the attribute "Roles - Volunteer Admin" on the start date of the selected attribute. | N/A | The selected attribute is used in a registration widget to sign up to become a volunteer. All contacts with the Volunteer Admin attribute can then receive a notice each time a sign up is made. |
Send To Membership Admin | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to all contacts with the attribute "Membership Admin" on the start date of the selected attribute. | N/A | The selected attribute is used in a membership widget. All contacts with the Membership Admin attribute can then receive a notice each time a sign up is made. |
Send Days After | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to the contact's primary email [x] number of days after the start date of the selected attribute. | [x] Number of Days After | The attribute is automatically added from a widget and an email is sent 3 days later as a follow-up acknowledgement. |
Send Hours After | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to the contact's primary email [x] number of hours after the start date of the selected attribute. | [x] Number of Hours After | The attribute is automatically added from a widget and an email is sent 1 hour later to follow-up with a link to a survey widget to gather further information. |
Send Minutes After | This will trigger the selected document to be sent to the contact's primary email [x] number of minutes after the start date of the selected attribute. | [x] Number of Minutes After | The attribute is included in a donation widget asking if the contact would like to receive further information on a specific area, for example, if they would like to leave a bequest. The document is then sent to the contact with information on leaving a bequest, separate to their donation receipt. |
- Exclude contacts with these attributes- Additional setting to exclude contacts with specific attributes who should not be part of this workflow. For example, a follow up to a donation could ask the contact to become a regular giver but this should not be sent to any existing regular givers. Adding your specific attribute for regular givers here will ensure they are not included in the workflow.
- Include contacts with these attributes- Additional setting to only include contacts in this workflow who have a combination of attributes. The contact must have each additional attribute added here to be sent the workflow document. For example, an attribute for communication preference of email can be included to ensure you are not emailing contacts who have partially opted out.
- Exclude contacts who have received these documents- Additional setting to exclude contacts who have received specific documents. For a complex donor journey, there may be alternative routes where a contact could receive similar emails. Excluding a document here will ensure you are not bombarding your contact with duplicate emails.
- Include contacts who have received these documents- Additional setting to only include contacts who have also received specific documents. Similar to above, if the document in this workflow is only relevant if a previous document has been sent it can be included here. This ensures that in the event this attribute is added by mistake the contact is not sent incorrect information.
Please note- A workflow document will only be sent to a contact who is marked as Active and OK to Contact.
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