Organisations can receive a promise to make a payment or a series of payments at a later date, often referred to as a pledge. Pledges are recorded in vega against individual contacts and can have a number of payments added to pay off the pledge over a period of time. This functionality can commonly be used for corporate or major donors who may pledge to make a large payment over a number of installments.
Pledges can be also be added onto a contact and paid off or partly paid by other contacts. This functionality can be used when an organisation pledges a donation amount that might then be paid by different branches.
To add a pledge to a contact, see the article here.
In this article, we will detail the process of recording a payment against a pledge, for the same contact or a different contact.
Adding a pledge fulfilment on the same contact
Find the contact you are adding the pledge payment to and click Add Payment from the top action buttons:
You will have already added your pledge so this will display a pop-up as shown below with all open pledges on the contact:
The screenshot above shows two examples of how this will look for a pledge with a single distribution and a pledge with multiple distributions. You can easily see how much of each pledge has been fulfilled already and how much is still owing by the Fulfilled and Left columns.
There is the option to select the whole pledge, the plus button on the left will load the full pledge details for the total amount left.
The buttons on the right allow you to choose an inidividual distribution to pay and this will use the total distribution amount.
Either of these options will then load the payment form with the chosen details and for this example we will be paying the $200 distribution amount for transaction ID 5489.
The payment type will automatically be selected as Pledge Fulfilment.
On the left-hand side, you will see important Contact Details, when these exist on the contact:
- Vega ID, Account Name, Email
- Home phone, work phone, mobile
- Address
- Membership
- Contact Branch, receipt option
- Key Attributes (if you have this turned on in your financial settings)
- Alert (if you have this turned on in your financial settings)
On the left-hand side at the bottom will be any Payment Attributes. You will automatically have the Contact Branch added here and drop-down lists to add any other applicable payment attributes and assign a value to these.
The middle section of this form is where the payment information is added and this will be automatically updated as per the details from the chosen pledge.
Choose the correct Pay Type being used, a credit card can be processed here if you have your payment gateway connected.
The Payment Amount, Campaign, GL Code, and Receipt Settings have been updated to the same details from the pledge. These can be edited if there has been a change or they were entered incorrectly on the pledge.
The Pledge Status will be set as Pledge Successful and this can be updated to Pledge Open if it is only being partly paid off.
The Payment Date and Receipt Date will default to today's date but can be changed if required.
Pay Details, Particulars, Code, and Reference can be used to enter any additional information about the payment.
Click Save to record your pledge fulfilment.
This will record the payment on the contact and update the pledge to show how much has been paid.
On the pledge the menu button can be used to show transactions posted against it.
Adding a pledge fulfilment on a different contact
Find the contact you are adding the pledge payment to (this will be different from the contact you have already added the pledge to) and click Add Payment from the top action buttons:
This will open the payment form where you first need to select the payment type as Pledge Fulfilment.
On the left-hand side, you will see important Contact Details, when these exist on the contact:
- Vega ID, Account Name, Email
- Home phone, work phone, mobile
- Address
- Membership
- Contact Branch, receipt option
- Key Attributes (if you have this turned on in your financial settings)
- Alert (if you have this turned on in your financial settings)
On the left-hand side at the bottom will be any Payment Attributes. You will automatically have the Contact Branch added here and drop-down lists to add any other applicable payment attributes and assign a value to these.
On the right-hand side, you will see the Pledged By label with a text box. Enter the vega ID, name, email, or address 1 and click search to find the contact who has the pledge to be paid off here.
A pop-up will be displayed with all contacts matching your search criteria where you can select the correct contact or search again with different criteria.
There is also an option to search for inactive contacts only.
After selecting the correct contact a new pop-up will display all open pledges for that contact:
Please note, if the above does not show for your selected contact and you are taken directly to the payment form then no open pledges exist on the contact and your pledge fulfilment will be added as a standard payment.
The screenshot above shows two examples of how this will look for a pledge with a single distribution and a pledge with multiple distributions. You can easily see how much of each pledge has been fulfilled already and how much is still owing by the Fulfilled and Left columns.
There is the option to select the whole pledge, the plus button on the left will load the full pledge details for the total amount left.
The buttons on the right allow you to choose an inidividual distribution to pay and this will use the total distribution amount.
Either of these options will then load the payment form with the chosen details and for this example we will be paying the $100 total amount left for transaction ID 5488.
After selecting the correct pledge to be paid, you will be taken back to the payment form and the payment amount, campaign, GL Code, and receipt settings will be automatically updated to the same details set in the pledge. These can be edited if there has been a change or they were entered incorrectly on the pledge.
Choose the correct Pay Type being used, a credit card can be processed here if you have your payment gateway connected.
The Pledge Status will be set as Pledge Successful and this can be updated to Pledge Open if it is only being partly paid off.
The Payment Date and Receipt Date will default to today's date but can be changed if required.
Pay Details, Particulars, Code, and Reference can be used to enter any additional information about the payment.
Click Save to record your pledge fulfilment.
Please see the recording below to see how you enter a pledge fulfilment to pay off a pledge on a different contact:
Viewing your pledge fulfilment
Whether you added a pledge fulfilment to pay off a pledge on the same contact or different contact and whether it paid off the pledge in full or only in part, you can view the transaction on the contact under the Payments & Recurring tab, Payments received from contact.
You will see in the example above that the last column shows this is a pledge fulfilment payment as it has a Pledge ID, this is the transaction ID of the pledge it has paid off.
This pledge fulfilment paid off a pledge on a different contact, we can view the payment on that contact also by clicking the button shown below on the pledge:
This will open up a grid of all payments associated with this pledge:
Reporting on pledges
You can report and track your pledge details with the following preset queries:
- Pledges – All
- Pledges – Declined
- Pledges – Open
- Pledges - Successful
Under Insights > Pledge Management, there are also Details and Summary reports available.
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