These payment prompts are created based on a series of calculations from the contact's giving history, with the intention to increase your contact's giving amount.
These prompt amounts are available to use as merge tags in email or posted communication to your contacts as well in the donation widget. When the personalised widget link is used the prompt amounts on the donation widget will be updated to the specific prompts calculated for that contact.
The calculations are based on a smoothed average of lifetime donations with rounding to ensure regular amounts are presented. Statistically, most people choose the middle number, so gradually over time, the contact's average donation will increase using these prompts. There should always be a lower option, the current average amount, and a self-chosen or free text option to allow for all choices.
Please see below for how these prompts are calculated:
If the contact has no giving history the prompts will be $25, $35, $50
Otherwise, the below steps are followed.
First, we find the average giving value from the contact's successful payments, including all payment types. This is rounded to the nearest 10, so $32.63 will be $30 and $35.42 will be $40.
Next, an initial first prompt is calculated.
If the average amount is less than $20, First Prompt = $20.
If the average amount is over $20, First Prompt = $average amount.
The First Prompt is updated to a more rounded number as shown below:
When First Prompt < $25 then $25
$25 < First Prompt < $40 then $35
$40 ≤ First Prompt ≤ $50 then $50
$50 < First Prompt ≤ $75 then $75
$75 < First Prompt ≤ $100 then $100
$100< First Prompt ≤ $125 then $125
$125< First Prompt ≤ $150 then $150
$150< First Prompt ≤ $175 then $175
$175< First Prompt ≤ $200 then $200
$200< First Prompt ≤ $250 then $250
$250< First Prompt ≤ $300 then $300
$300< First Prompt ≤ $400 then $400
$400< First Prompt ≤ $500 then $500
$500< First Prompt then $First Prompt
Update the Second Prompt to the new First Prompt multiplied by 1.5. This will become your most commonly selected donation amount and increases the contact's average value by at least 1.5 times.
Update the Third Prompt to the new First Prompt multiplied by 2. This becomes your high donation amount and asks the contact to donate two times their average giving amount this time.
The Second Prompt is updated to a more rounded number as shown below:
$25 < Second Prompt< $40 then $35
$40 ≤ Second Prompt≤ $50 then $50
$50 < Second Prompt≤ $75 then $75
$75 < Second Prompt≤ $100 then $100
$100< Second Prompt≤ $125 then $125
$125< Second Prompt≤ $150 then $150
$150< Second Prompt≤ $175 then $175
$175< Second Prompt≤ $200 then $200
$200< Second Prompt≤ $250 then $250
$250< Second Prompt≤ $300 then $300
$300< Second Prompt≤ $400 then $400
$400< Second Prompt≤ $500 then $500
$500< Second Prompt then $Second Prompt
The Third Prompt is updated to a more rounded number as shown below:
$25 < Third Prompt< $40 then $35
$40 ≤ Third Prompt≤ $50 then $50
$50 < Third Prompt≤ $75 then $75
$75 < Third Prompt≤ $100 then $100
$100< Third Prompt≤ $125 then $125
$125< Third Prompt≤ $150 then $150
$150< Third Prompt≤ $175 then $175
$175< Third Prompt≤ $200 then $200
$200< Third Prompt≤ $250 then $250
$250< Third Prompt≤ $300 then $300
$300< Third Prompt≤ $400 then $400
$400< Third Prompt≤ $500 then $500
$500< Third Prompt then $Second Prompt
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