The contact dashboard can be divided into three sections.
Section 1 has all the personal details of the contact that includes first name, last name, address, gender, birth date and join date. It also has the source campaign and option to check whether vega should send receipt or not.
You can get the Address History which gives you the list of addresses that was saved before and can update the 'preferred' address there.
Section 2 is basically all the official information related to the contact. Vega ID is the unique code for each contact used by the system to identify the user. Supp ID refers to the sequence number generated for every new contact. Org ID is any unique code that can be manually entered by the organisation (if they have their own ID outside vega).
'Account Active' is used to mark whether the contact is active or inactive. Based on the status, vega gives you the options to select the 'Account Status Reason' i.e., whether they are active, no (their choice), media, overseas, returned, inactive, cull, deceased, GNA, Gone Overseas, Other, System.
'OK to Contact' is the flag to check whether the account can be contacted or not. It also has the 'Contact Status Reason' depending on the 'OK to Contact' status they are: OK to Contact, OK to mail, No (their choice), deceased, Inactive.
Membership is used to identify whether the contact has an active membership and the due date.
A contact can have different types of communication, Vega gives you the ability to add all of them under the 'Communications'. The communication types are Email, mobile phone, home phone, work phone, website, facebook, twitter, DDI, Email 3, Emergency Contact, Employers phone, Fax, Home Fax, Main Phone, Email Alt. You can have one primary for each type.
Other Contacts Connected to this Account lists the linked users to the contact. They can be either added manually or automatically added when a contact is merged together.
Section 3 is referred as the supporter insight. This section gives basic information, Payment Statistics, Suggested Payment Prompts, related campaigns, payment types and Payment Amount. Suggested payment prompts is calculated by the system which is explained in this help document.
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