Vega widgets are designed to be secure and to never be a "backdoor" to your website or to Vega. This is engineered in the following ways:
- Vega Widgets (web page components) are hosted in your website, but they are not part of your website. Someone getting access to the Backoffice functions of your website, like your membership area, has no access to Vega ever.
- Though Vega widgets are hosted in your website, they are not part of your website, because the component (donation page or other) is created new each time someone accesses the page and disappears once the transaction is complete, to be recreated on the next access.
- Vega widgets are hosted on a separate server to Vega and communicate to Vega through a secure link.
- When someone makes a donation on your website the transaction is stored in a secure store and is verified and validated, before it is updated into Vega.
- Vega uses advanced encryption and tools like Google Captcha to ensure "BOT" or other malicious attacks are not used to penetrate components like your Payment Gateway and gain access to your transaction.
- Vega further uses intelligence to prevent credit card fraud and stolen credit card use to stop misuse of the platform, by blocking multiple retries and repeated attempts from the same source.
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