This article lets you know the new features and fixes
released with each publish
After a new publish you may need to clear your browser cache to ensure you can see the new updates and continue using Vega as normal. This is a simple process detailed here for all browsers.
23rd October 2024
New Features
- New campaign action types have been created for Quick Ticketed and Quick Raffle. These are a simplified configuration process for these types of events and include Vega predefined settings and documents for a ready-to-go campaign template.
- The event widget now has new options in the Acknowledgements section for Ticket Email and Donation Email Receipt. The documents set here will be sent as an email once the payment has been processed in Vega and ticket numbers have been assigned, approx. 15 minutes after the widget is submitted. This removes the need for the ticket purchase workflow for most event setups and these documents can include the ticket merge tags. The documents selected can have an attachment document saved to be included in the emails. Any existing ticket purchase workflows will continue to work and send the emails but if the widget acknowledgements are updated the workflow should be made inactive to ensure duplicate emails are not sent.
- Update to the merge tag #CurrentMembershipExpires# so this is now formatted as dd/mm/yyyy.
- Updates to the financial import section:
- The grid now has a header checkbox to select and unselect all rows at once
- You can click anywhere on the row to select and unselect the checkbox
- The column header names have been changed to Imported instead of API
- A new column for Additional Field has been added for bank files with extra details
- The Reference, Particulars, and Code columns are all used in a check for existing contacts against the Vega ID and Org ID
- Fix to keep any changes made on screen, removed matches were being re-matched when changes were made
- An error allowing payments for Apple Pay and Google Pay has been resolved and these transactions will now be recorded with the associated pay type if you add the attributes.
- Document types were not saving name changes or an update to the active status, this is now working as expected.
- Unsubscribe widgets now correctly record any comment included on custom attributes.
- The Aida import has been updated to show more relevant columns on the data import preview screen.
4th September 2024
New Features
- For those using the Stripe payment gateway, the Cashbook Report on the Money tab now includes the Stripe Payout information in the end columns labelled Payout Date and Payout. When the cashbook is summarised this will be grouped by the Payout ID and day. This will help with reconciling Vega payments to your Stripe account to see all payments included in each payout. These fields will also show on the payments when available.
- Ticketed events now include an option to set a capacity per ticket type. If this is left blank then the ticket type will be able to sell as per the whole event capacity. You can have some tickets with a limited capacity and others left blank in the same event:
- There is now an option to include a pledge checkbox in the donation and event widgets. This is available to be included in the Form Options and when enabled it will show two additional options in the Acknowledgements section:
The widgets will display this option as shown below and will not process a payment but create a pledge on the contact instead:
- Imports will now insert to the audit log for improved logging of these processes.
- A recurring payment can be assigned the frequency One-Off and it will be processed once as per the due date settings. If the payment is successful it will be updated to a closed status and assigned the end date. If the payment is unsuccessful then it will be set to try again the next day and will be updated as per the admin financial settings.
- To improve the loading speed on a contact the Payments & Recurring tab has been separated out into different tabs for the different payment types:
- When custom attributes are included in the widgets and marked as mandatory but not completed they will display the error message and scroll the widget to focus on the missing field to make this clear to the user.
- In ticketed events, tickets that have been purchased will not show the option for the ticket type to be able to be deleted. Any tickets that have been sold require the ticket option to remain in the campaign action. If this ticket option is no longer wanted for the event then it can be edited and have the capacity or end date updated to remove it as an option on the widget.
- An update to the Ticketed Event campaign actions will now prevent the same attribute from being able to be added as multiple ticket options. Each ticket option on the event must use a unique attribute.
- Donation widgets that have been embedded on a webpage can now include &dtnAmt= to pass an amount to be used on the widget.
- The Unsubscribe widget has been updated to correctly pass the GUID when it is embedded on a webpage.
- The merge tag #WidgetAttributes# has been updated to include the AttributeType header.
- The merge tag #DOB# has been updated to populate with the birth date entered on the widget so that this can be used in widget documents.
- The MYOB import to Vega has been updated to resolve an issue with payments with a blank reference not importing.
- The query tool has been updated to resolve an error when using payment criteria and Or or None options to improve the loading of the results.
- An update has been made to the query tool when including a list only to improve the speed of these queries.
5th August 2024
New Features
- An integration with Raisely is now available from Admin > External Webhooks and APIs. Click the Add button to configure the settings and accept the usage pricing.
25th July 2024
New Features
- A new option has been added to the More functions from list and query results to be able to update email address to inactive or delete them from the contacts. This is to assist with the management of bounced emails so that they can be updated in bulk.
- When adding payments on a contact or a batch the Receipt option will be checked and if this is No or Annual then any receipt in the batch defaults will not be assigned to the payment. Only Admin users will be able to add a receipt document to payments for these contacts and they will receive a confirmation alert.
Each widget now contains a link at the bottom with Powered by
- When adding a payment directly on a contact this is now saved with the current timestamp.
- The count of rows being imported that is displayed on the import preview screen has been corrected.
- There has been an update to correctly format widgets with custom attributes in different positions.
- It is now possible to add a payment to a contact for $0 when this is for a $0 ticket option for an event.
- An error when using All GL Codes option in the financial import function has been corrected.
- A fix has been included for organisations using Flo2Cash to allow Save & Send Receipt when the payment is added to a contact.
- Recurrences that encounter an error when processing the payment will now remain open to retry the payment as per the schedule instead of updating to suspended.
25th June 2024
New Features
- There is a new report available from within batches, Summary by Branch. This provides a PDF report of the transaction count and value per branch and campaign.
- You are now able to cancel emails from the pending logs under Admin > Email/SMS Log
- A new preset query called 'Recurring Payment - Failed Payments No Successful Retry' has been added which will show contacts with a recurring payment and failed attempts in the selected date range where no successful payment has been made.
- The attribute import template now includes a column to provide the associated campaign by entering the name of an existing campaign header and action.
- When adding attribute criteria in the custom query tool, there is now the option to filter this based on the attribute end date.
- Financial IMport function (Money > Bank Transactions):
- The import function from Xero and MYOB now includes an additional filter to only import transactions of a specific GL Code, this will allow for easier processing of the payments when creating/matching them in Vega.
- This now displays how many payments have been selected for processing.
- The incoming detail in the reference field will be added to the Vega payment reference field, not the pay details.
- When existing payments are matched from the import and viewed, these are able to be edited and saved.
- When creating a batch from the selected payments, the receipt document dropdown will be filtered based on the setting in Admin > Dropdown Customisation > Receipt Type - Payment Form and Batch Defaults.
- The batch creation also includes the option to create the new payments as membership type by assigning a membership from the dropdown.
- New options have been added under Admin > Contact Settings
- The event widget no longer displays the ticket or event details when it has expired. It will only show the expired document or the default expired message if no document is assigned.
- If the batch defaults are set with a document and send by Email but the contact has no email address then the document will not be assigned in the payment. You can easily see payments in a batch without a document and update these as required.
- The event widget additional donation option has been updated to only allow number input.
- Some documents sent by workflow were not correctly generating a receipt number and this was showing as 0. This has been updated and any documents sent via workflow will check the admin setting and tax receipt document tag and generate a receipt number where necessary.
- When using the add email option directly on a contact and including an attachment this will send use the file name as the attachment name now.
- The advanced configuration settings assigned in Engage campaigns are correctly being saved.
- When contacts are matched/created from the widgets the Contact Type single/multiple subtype will be checked to ensure that an individual is not matched to an organisation contact.
- Updates to improve the format and style of the Unsubscribe widget.
18th April 2024
- Importing transactions from Xero has been updated to resolve an issue where payments with blank descriptions were not coming through. This has also been updated to import each line from the Xero transactions as a separate row and will now show the GL Code, as long as a matching GL Code already exists in Vega. The Xero import is restricted to a maximum of 100 rows to be displayed so if the number of transactions exceeds this for the date range a second import/refresh of transactions will need to be done.
- When a GL code exists on an imported transaction this will be used over whatever is selected in the payment options and this has been updated to correctly add to the payment distribution.
20th March 2024
New Features
- When direct debit is enabled in the donation widget for Flo2Cash NZ or to record the details only in Vega, a signature box will be displayed on the widget that must be completed to submit the form. The signature image will be saved to a note on the contact.
- The export from Vega to MYOB will now check for a matching contact based on the Vega ID and the Contact Display ID in MYOB. If a match between these two fields cannot be found it will then check for a matching contact based on the MYOB first and last name and the Vega contact name.
- The preset query ‘All Contacts Unsubscribed’ has two additional columns, showing the previous Mail Status Reason attribute and the campaign that the contact unsubscribed from.
- If an email is scheduled in response to a payment, whether from a widget or workflow, it will now check if the payment has not already had a receipt number generated and the document contains the 'Tax Receipt' tag then a receipt number will be created before the email is sent out.
- The import function from MYOB to Vega has been updated to resolve the issue where not all payments were available.
- MYOB contact matching based on the name has been updated to trim any additional white spaces from the Vega name and will compare the full Vega contact name to the MYOB first name and last name.
- The financial import from MYOB or Xero date options have been updated to use the organisation timezone instead of UTC where additional days were previously included.
- Merging contacts has been updated to transfer the email metrics to the contact being kept and update the birthdate and gender of the contact being kept where these fields were blank but had data on the old contact.
- A fix has been made to the date options in the query tool where the 'to date' was not correctly saved.
- Date options in the query tool have been updated to ensure the full day selected is included in the query, regardless of the time.
- A fix has been applied to the donation widget to ensure the general comment or in-memoriam details options are correctly recorded as a contact note and to the pay details.
- Membership widgets using advanced configuration settings and admin settings to only receipt 'Tax Receipt' documents were not generating receipt numbers for these payments. This has been resolved with the new receipt check within the email service.
- The preset query 'All Members Due For Renewal' has been updated to show to and from date options for all membership models.
8th February 2024
New Features
- When payments are posted to Xero or MYOB from the Cashbook report and the option 'Do not summarise results' is selected then the payments will be matched/inserted to contacts based on the Vega name now, not the name of the GL Code.
- Updates have been made to the functionality to import transactions from MYOB or Xero from Money > Bank Transactions:
- On the first screen, the third option to view existing transactions has been removed.
- The dropdown will now auto-select your financial integration and the transactions are imported by clicking the button. This will also allow you to refresh the import if you change the date filters afterwards.
- An additional column has been added which will show if a pledge exists on the matched contact. This will open the payment form to create the pledge fulfilment payment. Once saved it will then show as a transaction match for the incoming bank payment.
- An additional column has also been added with checkboxes so you can choose which of the approved transactions you would like to include when creating your batch.
- The pop-up to create a batch has been updated to now include the option to select the pay type to be used and has an auto-select option in the send by dropdown. Auto-Select will set the send by as PDF for contacts without an email address and Email for those with an email address. Please note, that these options are only used when payments are created by the import, matched payments will not have these fields updated.
- Once you click Post to Batch you will remain on the import transactions page, allowing you to easily import all transactions using different field options as you can now select only the relevant rows.
- Updates made within batches:
- The dropdown in batch defaults for Send By also includes an Auto option to select Email or PDF depending on whether the contact has an email address.
- When viewing a batch there is now a column showing the Send By option selected on the payment.
- The column header Distribution has been updated to GL Code.
- The column header Letter has been updated to Document and this is now sortable.
- These changes have been made in combination with the import updates described above to assist with easier importing of a variety of payments with different financial and acknowledgement needs. For example, the payments in a batch can be sorted by the Send By column and selected using the checkbox to easily update the receipt document of those needing a printed document instead of an email version.
- Event campaign actions now include a tab to show any Pending Transactions. This table will also show if the contact has made a successful purchase so that those without purchases can be contacted and followed up:
- In the widget configuration for event widgets, on the Finacial section there is now an option to include a campaign header instead of the campaign. This will display all available events under that campaign header on the same widget, with a tab for each campaign name:
- A fix has been included to resolve an error when posting payments from the Cashbook report to Xero.
- An issue displaying the incorrect options on the Organisation Profile has also been updated.
- From Money > Recurring Payments > Suspended the due date column has been updated so that these are correctly sorting by date
13th December 2023
New Features
- The Contact Dashboard has been updated to combine the action buttons into dropdown menus:
Please note, the options available will vary depending on your user access.
- A new button has been added to the Contact page to allow you to open a widget directly from within a contact:
This will open a pop-up where you can select a widget to load in a new tab, which will automatically have the personalised GUID link included to fill in the contact details on the widget.
There is also the option to include a specific campaign and/or GL Code to override the widget settings. |
- The mult-sort option has been added to the "Is a contact of" table on the Contact Relationships tab.
- A new filter option has been added to the attribute maintenance page so that you can easily find attribute types based on their name:
- New payment merge tags have been created for #RecurPayDetails#, #Particulars#, #Reference#, and #Code#.
- The Attribute Type name has been included in the merge tag #WidgetAttributes#
- The report under Insights > Web Metrics > Email Bounce Metrics has had a new column added to show the specific bounce reason to help with keeping your email lists clean and removing invalid email addresses.
- An update has been made to widget processing to increase the speed these are picked up and processed so all data will be inserted into the contact at a quicker rate.
- A direct debit option is available in the donation widget. If you're using Stripe Australia or Flo2Cash NZ then this option will create direct debit plans within your gateway and process the payments as per the selected frequency. All other gateway options will create a Vega recurring payment with the entered details and create automatic payments as per the frequency. This can be used with the BNZ export file to manually process the direct debits in your bank.
- The bulk merge functionality was not deleting contacts when this option was selected but this has been resolved now.
- It is now possible to add multiple relationships between the same two contacts.
3rd November 2023
New Features
- There is now the option to delete a campaign role from within the campaign action on the roles tab.
- The mult-sort option has been added to the 'Campaigns associated to contact' table on a contacts 'Campaigns, Web Log & Lists' tab.
- It is now possible to include multiple email addresses in the 'Send notification to' field on all widgets. The email addresses need to be separated by a comma.
- A Pay Details box has been added to recurring payments. Any comment added on the donation widget when a recurring payment is created will be added to this pay details and it will be copied for each payment in the recurrence.
- The name of exported queries has been updated to use the local date and time.
- Query tool output options have been updated to a date picker for any that require a date format and this is displayed in the local date.
- In the individual merge function the fields are cleared once the merge is processed.
- A fix has been added for ticket amounts not displaying correctly for some related tickets in the event widget.
- When the widget activity log is exported there was some formatting error for rows with a multiline comment and this has now been resolved.
- A fix has been added for Stripe direct debits setup via the donation widget so that the recurrence is first created with a Pending Approval status and this is then updated to Payment Open and a successful payment once the result is returned by Stripe. This is available to Australian clients only.
- Some general maintenance and updates have been added to improve the speed of loading contacts and reduce load on the server.
12th September 2023
New Features
- When saving an email action it will check if the send date has been set more than 2 days earlier and notify the user that this email will not send.
- The Cashbook Report now includes a filter to exclude gateway payments to allow easier filtering of payments to be transferred to a financial system.
- In the query tool, other telecom outputs will show the ext in the output column, if it exists.
- Stripe direct debits for Australia is now integrated into Vega and the widgets. This will currently need to be enabled by Vega staff for it to show as a payment option in a widget so please get in touch with us if you would like to know more about this.
- Under Money, the Website Payment Log label has been updated to Widget Activity Log to show more clearly that this is a log of all widget activity, from donations, registrations etc.
- Query attribute output columns have been updated so that the number sequencing matches across all available fields.
- The Membership criteria in the query tool has had the label updated to show that this is based on the Membership End Date. Membership expiry date output column has also been updated to allow between values to be used.
- Query tool start date output column value was converting to UTC date and time so this has been updated.
- Output columns that are in date format have been updated to use a calendar date picker.
- The 'from email' assigned in widget configuration acknowledgements will be used for the notification email as well.
- Ticketed events need to have tickets added before they can be saved with a widget creation.
- The custom dropdown options for payment form and batch campaigns have been combined to ensure these do not conflict with each other.
- An error between ticket and related ticket amounts showing has been resolved on the event widget.
- If a RSVP payment is deleted then this will now automatically remove the contact from the RSVP attendee list.
- SMS sent directly from a contact will now be sent immediately instead of through the delayed SMS bulk server.
- The SMS phone number check has been updated to account for 9-digit numbers.
- Saved external lists and default campaign actions will no longer be shown as draft status.
15th August 2023
New Features
- The donation widget now has a new setting under Donation Options where you can define start date options for your recurring frequencies. This setting allows you to offer a calendar date picker for the start date, either with all dates available or restricted to only specific start dates. The allowance days will block out this number of days until the first available start date:
- Additional error logging and optimising of queries have been added to prevent payments not being inserted due to a timeout issue.
24th July 2023
New Features
- You will see options for SMS workflows in the attribute rules and payment workflows section, these are currently disabled but more information will be coming soon on this exciting new feature.
- The payment workflows now have an advanced setting dropdown menu to create and a button to edit existing workflows where you can use criteria to include or exclude contacts based on attributes and documents, as well as the standard criteria:
- GL Code and Campaign are now available criteria in both the payment attribute rules and payment workflows to only send when a distribution matches the selected options. If either of these options are used then the merge tags will be specific to the matching distribution.
- The merge tag #StatementOfGiving# now includes a column showing the GL Code of the payment and will include the annual receipt number if it has been generated, otherwise the individual receipt number for each payment.
- Fixes
- An issue with saving or creating a new document from within an email campaign has been resolved. Please note, it is advised that you always create your document directly from the document manager, not from within the email campaign for a better user experience.
- When membership payments were added directly in Vega for credit card payments the membership attribute was being inserted with a closed status but this has now been updated.
3rd July 2023
New Features
- The mult-sort option has been added to the Roles tab in campaign actions.
- Fixes
- Export buttons added to the Insights report Campaign Analytics > Campaign Roles.
- The custom query tool has been updated to show attributes that are set as not visible in the criteria options. Only attributes that are active or visible will be included in query criteria and these will show in the query setup.
- The insights report Campaign Analytics > Campaign Analysis has been updated to populate the report when All actions are selected.
- The insights report Campaign Analytics > Campaign Totals By Attribute has been updated to only allow a specific campaign action to be selected.
- Query results have been updated to show the attribute end date as Open instead of blank.
- The Cashbook Report payment types table has been updated to use the specific campaign when this is selected in the dropdown options. A total row has also been added to this.
- If a user changes their password the permissions where being reset but this has been resolved now.
21st June 2023
- Emails were not being scheduled for sending when the sender name was null. This has now been corrected and when a service email does not have a sender name specified then the organisation name will be used.
- The option to delete draft campaign actions has been added back.
- Event actions were overwriting widget settings when saved, this has now been resolved.
14th June 2023
- Resolved an issue with emails showing a number instead of the service email sender name.
13th June 2023
New Features
- A new feature for a bulk SMS campaign action type is being developed and you will see this new action in Vega but it is currently disabled. Updates on the release of this new feature coming soon.
- A new merge tag
is now available to use in widget notice documents. This will generate a table of the attributes being added to the contact from the widget:
- A new merge tag
is now available and will populate an address block without the country. - The merge tag
will now be populated by the payment if it is included in a document sent directly from the payment form, the batch, membership widget, or a payment workflow. If the document is sent by email on the contact or Engage then the merge tag will be populated by the threshold amount of the open membership attribute on the contact. - Fixes
- Date sort in the document manager and preset queries has been updated to use actual date instead of numerical sort.
- Searching for contacts that include macrons or accents in the text did not return the correct results
- When using the data import function you are able to review a subset of the data, it was not clear that this was not all of the data being imported some some text has been added to the top of this page: This is a sample of your data to preview. The total number of rows being imported is XX
- Attribute group names that included special characters were not able to be selected from a contact, this has now been resolved.
- Email actions saved as drafts did not save a selected service email.
- Campaign actions saved as drafts were not showing the selected date and time when re-opened.
- If a contact had multiple addresses and you switch between these on the contact then the Region/State field was not being displayed correctly.
- In the widget configuration it allowed fields to be set as mandatory when these were not visible. The mandatory option will now only be enabled if the field is selected to be displayed on the widget.
- The merge tag #RecurAmount# description has been updated to show that this is only available to use when sending directly from Vega, not from widgets
Merge tags #ViewInBrowserURL#
and #ViewInBrowserLink#
have been updated to correctly generate the URL and link to view the document in browser.
In the custom query tool an error was being shown in the total amount output column had a sort assigned, this is now resolved.
The merge tags #DonationAmount#
and #TotalAmount#
were not correctly populated in the widget attachment document but these are now showing the amount from the payment.
Adding an attribute in bulk via a list or query results will use the current time with the selected date so that workflows can be triggered correctly.
2nd June 2023
Paypal payments from the donation and membership widgets were not being recorded in Vega. This has now been resolved and the transactions are recorded correctly. Please note that PayPal payments will not have received any Vega receipts for the last few weeks before this fix.
30th May 2023
- The Cashbook report has been updated to not automatically load the current month as this was causing speed issues when needing to load a large amount of data. You can now select your filter and date options and then click Generate to view the results you need. You can also export the results without first generating them on-screen and this will use the export service and send an alert when your download is available. If the results are first generated then the export options will only use the background export service if the result set is over 500 rows.
- A Pay Details column has been added to the Cashbook report All Payments tab on-screen results.
- The new gender query output column has been updated to use the full description text and this can be used to filter query results.
- Event merchandise ticket options have had an issue resolved where the cost was not being correctly calculated.
- When a custom attribute was set up for an attribute type using the dropdown option and a comment this was not correctly recording the comment text on the attribute.
25th May 2023
New Features
- A mult-sort option has been added to the relationships table on a contact and the roles table on campaign actions. This is used by clicking the button shown below and selecting multiple columns to sort by:
- Widget custom attributes using the date option type have been update to allow you to set this as the start date, end date, or value of the attribute. If the start date or end date is used then there is a second option to include a text box or yes/no to be recorded as the attribute value.
- The registration widget now has an option to include an associated campaign in the form set up, this will be used as the source campaign for new contacts and the associated campaign on any custom attributes.
- When organisation is added to the registration widget it will include a check box and label for 'on behalf of this organisation'. This will create the contact with the organisation name as the account name.
- When the option is ticked for on behalf of an organisation, in any widget, then the contact will be created with your organisations default multiple contact type attribute.
- There is a new report under Insights > Campaign Analysis > Campaign Roles to find all contacts who have had a role in a campaign, allowing you to filter by date range, campaign and role.
- In the custom query tool the attribute options now allow you set it as output only. This will not change the search criteria of the results but will display the matching attributes in the result view and show blank if a contact does not have the attribute.
- If your service email sender name includes an apostrophe this will now be shown correctly when emails are sent from a widget.
- When the GUID link is used and a contact has a blank country field the widget sometimes showed Zimbabwe as the country but this has now been resolved and will display your organisation country as the default.
- The failed recurring payments report under insights was not displaying export options, these are now available.
- When adding a supporter-led payment the team contact was not being successfully saved, this is now working.
- In widget custom attributes the attribute type dropdown has been restricted to only show attribute types that have attributes as this is required for the widget to load correctly.
- Single sort by using the active column in relationships has been resolved.
- Merge tags populated in the notification document have been resolved and all widget merge tags are available for this.
- The from email address in the widget configuration was not being used for the acknowledgement.
23rd May 20223
New Features
- Gender has been added as an output option in the custom query tool
19th May 2023
New Features
- The description that is passed through to Stripe from the Vega widgets has been updated to include the Vega ID, Campaign, GL Code, and Frequency of the payment.
- If a widget is made inactive or there is no active payment gateway in your Vega then the widget URL will display an inactive message.
15th May 2023
- The merge service has been updated to move all addresses, notes, telecoms, payments, relationships, attributes, mailings, campaigns, and weblog to the new contact instead of inserting new records. The audit log tracks these changes to be able to identify the specific data that has been changed. The contact category and branch attributes are not merged to ensure that there are no issues when the merged contact is kept inactive. A merged attribute is also now recorded on the supporter insights to show the contact kept and merged with and the inactive contact which is merged to:
4th May 2023
New Features
- Emails sent by the widgets are now processed by a separate email server and recorded in separate tabs within the email log on the Admin tab. This log will show emails pending while being processed by the server and those sent or failed with the error. This log includes the email sent to the contact and any notice email sent. The notice email is recorded with the About Vega ID, linking it to the contact who made the widget submission. The VegaID will show as Processing and then update to the VegaID once it has been fully processed, this is when it is also updated in the web payment log.
- The widget emails are also now able to be viewed and downloaded from the mailings tab on the contact, showing the document name, donation amount, receipt number, campaign, and sent by Vega Widgets:
- A new payment workflow has been added under Admin > Workflow Maintenance > One-off Payment Workflows called Send days after open pledge. This will send the selected document to any contact after the specified number of days that a pledge was created and its status is still open.
- It is now possible to stop scheduled campaign emails by making the email campaign inactive. When an email campaign is scheduled the emails can be seen in Admin > Email Log > Emails Pending when the date range is selected for the scheduled date. If the campaign is then updated to inactive the emails will be removed from pending and will show in the tab Emails Not Sent with the Error
Campaign Made Inactive:
- Issue resolved on the event widgets selling the last ticket within the capacity.
- Cashbook report post to MYOB has been fixed to post the gross amount.
- When the processing fee is paid in the widgets this was not recording the paytype, this is now recorded as credit card as well.
- Formatting has been added to the amount merge tags to include a comma separating the thousands to make these values easier to read.
- Net donation amount has been resolved to format this correctly as currency.
- The widget error alert that notifies the user of an issue submitting the form has been updated to come in above the submit button as we received feedback that this was not visible.
- Registration widgets were not including the attachment document, this is now resolved.
- Main phone has been moved to show near the top of the list with other phone types when adding a new telecom.
20th April 2023
New Features
- A new recurring payment workflow has been created called Send Welcome. The chosen document is emailed to the contact after the first successful payment linked to an open recurrence, after the number of minutes set in the rule value. If further recurrences are created on the contact this workflow will not be triggered, it only sends when the total count of all payments linked to a recurrence is 1.
17th April 2023
New Features
- There is now a check box in the attribute maintenance page to show/hide inactive attribute types.
- New reports have been created under insights:
- Situation Analysis > Payments By Region/State - This provides a breakdown of payments per region or state field stored on the contact address. This report has two tabs to break down the payments by campaign or payment type.
- Financial Analysis > Daily Revenue - This report provides a row for each campaign on each day within the time period set. The report will show where the income for that day is coded to.
- Financial Analysis > Donation Register - This report will provide details on all non-ticket payments received within the time period.
- Product Analysis - Ticket Register - This report will provide details of all ticket payments received within the time period. There is also a summary table to include additional donations for the time period.
- Pledge Management > Pledge Summary - This report now provides three tabs for a further breakdown of donation and ticket pledges.
- Pledge Management > Pledges By Region/State - This report provides a breakdown of pledges and pledge fulfilments by the region or state field on the contact address.
- The reports under the heading Other Reports have been moved to the appropriate heading, most of these will now be under Financial Analysis.
- Fixes
- Under Admin > Payment Gateway the fee was not able to be saved, the Save button on this page will now save any changes made to the gateway fee and use of Apple and Google pay.
- When gift memberships are processed through the widget, the account name was not created correctly for the gift recipient. The payment for the membership will now be recorded on the paying contact and show the gift recipient's name on the payment. The gift recipient will also have the payment recorded under the heading Payments gifted to contact. The membership attribute is added to the gift recipient.
4th April 2023
- Widget fixes for improved accessibility for screen reader:
- Membership widget renewing option has been moved to underneath the Membership Types and updated to connect the checkbox with the label.
- The gift a membership option has been updated to connect the checkbox with the label.
- Donation widget advanced configuration has been updated to connect the label with the input selection.
- Donation widget in-memoriam option has been updated to connect the label with the checkbox.
30th March 2023
- Resolved issues with adding to a list from queries.
- Resolved the error showing the relationship pop-up when adding a single contact to a campaign action.
- Added the Active checkbox to the first page of campaign actions so that this can be updated.
- Added error handling to the website payment log to record when the relationship server errors, such as a payment insert timing out.
- When a GL Code is marked as Inactive it will be removed from all campaigns and widgets where it was assigned.
29th March 2023
New Features
- TransactionID, Campaign, and GL Code columns were added to the Annual Receipt Generator All Payments report.
22nd March 2023
- The Cashbook report has been updated to account for organisation's timezone when loading payments from the specified date range.
- Campaign summary report in Insights total column included duplicate values and this has now been updated.
20th March 2023
New Features
- Custom attribute input fields and labels have been linked for improved useability with screen readers.
- Fixes
- In widget custom attributes, an attribute starting with Other used as a checkbox or radio button will automatically include a text box as well. This used to only work for the attribute description as Other.
- Event widget related tickets displayed the label text when the related ticket was not shown.
- Event widget related tickets did not re-set the price when the primary ticket was set as quantity 0.
- Event widget discount amount was not calculated correctly when a donation was included and then changed.
- Event and raffle widgets did not include bonus tickets in the capacity check when the tickets were selected in the widget, only when they were processed in Vega.
- Event widget allowed a minus donation amount to be entered.
16th March 2023
New Features
- All campaign actions have been updated to allow attributes and related contacts to be added.
- Campaign attributes:
- It is possible to add any attributes directly to a campaign, this allows for further categorising and grouping of campaigns.
- There will be additional fields coming to insights so that this information can be reported on.
- Campaign relationships:
- This is based on a new system attribute type called Campaign Relationship where you can add any relevant attributes.
- This allows contacts to be related to a campaign using the above attributes. A start date, end date, and comment are also available fields for the relationship.
- This can be utilised for different situations but is particularly useful for campaigns where you have contacts playing different roles, such as training courses or workshops.
- Further updates will be added in insights to allow reporting on this.
- The related contacts will then have this campaign recorded on their contact under the Campaigns tab and associated campaigns:
- You will also notice a different layout to the setup of email, excel, label, external list, and PDF campaign actions. This update uses a step-through wizard to improve the usability when creating campaigns:
- An additional field has been added to record the expenses of a campaign, this will also be available in further report changes coming soon.
- Campaign actions will also now be able to have the name, target, expenses, and code edited after they have been published, as well as the attributes and roles.
- Published campaign actions will display a summary page with key information about the campaign and the email metrics can be accessed from here:
6th March 2023
- The report under Insights > Other Reports > Payment by Category has been updated as payments with multiple distributions were being counted for both GL Codes.
2nd March 2023
New Features
- OrgID and SuppID have been added as default search options.
- The Stripe API has been upgraded for improved functionality and a better experience.
- When card details are entered on a contact the card will first be tokenised, alerting you to any error in this, the payment will be saved in Vega and then processed in Stripe. This is a quick process but means you will be notified of any decline before the payment is saved and generated on the contact, giving you a chance to confirm the card details and edit them to save a successful payment instead. If the card number is invalid then this will be shown by the card number turning red. This change will also allow you to use the save & send/download receipt option on the payment to generate a receipt straight away.
- When payments are added in a batch the same process will apply, the card will first be tokenised, alerting you to any error where this is not possible so that the details can be edited straight away. There is still the option to process on save or on batch post when all payments will be processed at the same time.
- For widget payments, the payment is saved in the donation log, the card is then attempted to be tokenised and processed. If the card declines, this will save a declined payment from the widgets and the widget user will see an error message. If the card number or expiry date is invalid then the payment will be saved as a pending transaction, this will be shown to the user of the widget by showing the card number or expiry in red. If a recurring payment is created using an invalid card then the recurrence will be set with a suspended status.
- In general, these will not be big changes to the processing of payments but this will resolve some issues with declining payments and being able to generate a receipt on save of a payment. You will see a reduction in declined payments being recorded in Vega and Stripe.
16th February 2023
New Features
- Note Status column has been added to 'All Notes Added' and 'All Notes Added Last Month' preset queries.
- Relationships now include a free text comment field and an active flag.
- Each campaign action has a free text description/comments to store any additional information. This field has also been added to the Campaign Summary Report under Insights.
- Integrations for BPay and Post BillPay are available for Australian organisations.
- Further updates to the widgets for improved accessibility.
- The donation date column has been added back to the Donor List by Campaign report under Insights.
- The received date under Campaigns sent to contact on each contact has been updated to the true campaign action date.
23rd December 2022
New Features
- Updates made to Insights reports:
- A new report called Custom Attribute Widget Results has been added under Web Metrics. This report allows you to select a widget from the dropdown that has had custom attributes added to it. This report will display each custom attribute from the widget, with the label as the column header and the data as the answer given. Any comment field included on a custom attribute will also be added as a separate column.
- A new report called Email Bounce Metrics has been added under Campaign Analysis. This report allows you to select a time frame and a campaign to see all contacts who have had an email bounce in response to this campaign. This report can also be used without selecting a specific campaign to see the total number of bounced emails for contacts over a given time period.
- The report Donations by Attribute, under Situation Analysis, now has campaign dropdowns to filter the results to a specific campaign header or header and action.
- The report Donor Value by Year, under Situation Analysis, has had the date range removed and now includes campaign dropdowns to filter the results to a specific campaign header or header and action. This report will generate summary results for each year, showing totals for all combined payments, one-off payments and recurring payments.
- The report Income Summary, under Financial Analysis, can now be set to group by GL Code or Campaign, with the option of filtering by specific campaign header or header and action. The results will display a table of total income per month within the time frame, as well as a totals table grouped only by GL Code or Campaign.
- The report Payment Detail by Category, under Financial Analysis, now includes campaign dropdowns to filter the results to a specific campaign header or header and action.
- There is now a new heading for Recurring Management with two new reports; Recruitment Clawback and 3 Year Retention. These reports are both based on contacts who have a recurring payment and can be filtered by date range, recruitment campaign, contact attribute, and payment attribute.
- There is now a new heading for Telefundraising Reports with a report called Calls Result Summary. This report will show all users that have added an attribute with a call management or call back subtype to contacts from a telefundraising list.
- The two reports under Pledge Management; Pledge Details and Pledge Summary now include campaign dropdowns to filter the results to a specific campaign header or header and action.
- Reports under Dashboard Metrics; Website payments, Failed Website Payments, Recurring Payments, Failed Recurring Payments, All Payments, and All Failed Payments now include campaign dropdowns to filter the results to a specific campaign header or header and action.
12th December 2022
New Features
- The settings for user roles have been updated to provide more customisation. Each role in vega is now paired with a set of custom checkbox options and will default select these settings based on the role chosen. They can be manually changed to further customise the access for individual users. Some checkboxes will be hidden when they are not available for that role. Please see below for all available custom settings:
- The Telefundraiser and Coordinator roles will no longer have access to the Home tab as this is not required for the functionality of these users.
- General Staff will not have access to the Template Manager or Attribute Maintenance as default but these options can be added when it is required for the user. Selecting the options will include buttons on the Home tab, they will not have access to the Admin tab.
- There is now the option to view Email Stats for every campaign action. These stats will show any emails that have been sent with a connection to this campaign, including receipt emails sent directly from a payment or from a batch. These metrics are updated hourly so please allow time between sending the receipts and checking these
- An update has been included for the Stripe payment gateway to show all card failures before the batch is posted. If a card will be unable to process the status will be updated from Clearance to Declined once the payment is saved in the batch so the details can be checked and tried again.
- We have removed the Engage Tools from within the campaign actions to avoid confusion about how these should be used with the new action. When creating a campaign action you should have already created your document and query or list (when these are required) before creating the campaign action. You can still save your action as a draft and use the quicklinks dropdown to easily access the Document Manager or Query Tool from anywhere in vega.
5th December 2022
New Features
- Additional features and functionality have been added for attributes:
- Additional features are available when bulk inserting attributes, these include start date, end date, attribute value, attribute comment, associated campaign, and status.
- The attribute maintenance page can now be filtered using the attribute group dropdown.
- Additional functionality to link attributes has been added, this can be configured within the attribute maintenance and selecting the attribute advanced form. Attributes can be linked with an optional relationship and this detail will then be displayed on every contact with the primary attribute.
- Additional functionality to link users to an attribute has been added, this can be configured within the attribute maintenance and selecting the attribute advanced form. Users can be linked with an optional relationship and this detail will then be displayed on every contact with the primary attribute.
- On the attribute maintenance page, there is now an option to set an attribute type as a Status Attribute, this is only available when the attribute type is unique. With this option selected, a dropdown will be displayed on every contact underneath the account and mail statuses, labelled with the name of the attribute type. The dropdown will display the attribute from this type if it exists on the contact and None if it does not. These options will also be available on the Add Contact form.
- There is also a new option available for attributes, Show Assigned User. When this option is selected an additional dropdown will be displayed when adding this attribute to a contact, populated with all active users from your organisation. If a user is selected here then this contact will be available to see in their assigned contacts.
- Additional features and functionality for users:
- A new user role of Dashboard View has been added and provides a dashboard of payment and recurring payment metrics only. The user will be able to filter the reports by date range and specific campaigns.
- A new user role of Volunteer Admin has been added and limits the user to only having the Contacts and Solutions tabs available to them. Contacts will also be limited to only contacts that are on a list assigned to the user, have an attribute where the user has been assigned or have an attribute where the user has been set up as a link. When contacts are viewed there will not be any payment details available for the user to see. These users will not currently have access to the query tool.
- Users now have the option to search within All Contacts or My Contacts. The option of My Contacts will include contacts that are on a list assigned to the user, have an attribute where the user has been assigned or have an attribute where the user has been set up as a link.
- On the Contacts tab, there is an additional tab available, My Assigned Contacts and this will list every contact in the organisation who is on a list assigned to the user, has an attribute where the user has been assigned or has an attribute where the user has been set up as a link. This tab will display the list name and/or the attribute that is linking the user and contacts can be accessed by clicking the rows of data.
- We have added a fix to the email box within email campaign metrics where it auto-filled from a browser saved email address.
18th November 2022
New Features
- An update was made to the donation widget to improve the accessibility for screen readers
14th September 2022
New Features
- Admins can now customise permissions for user roles/individuals.
- Run Data Import in the background
5th May 2022
New Features
- The mailings tab on contacts will now display a method column as detailed below:
- PDF - Documents downloaded as PDF from a payment form
- Bulk PDF - Documents downloaded as PDF from the batch output
- Email Form - Documents emailed by the Add Email option on a contact or from the mailings tab email option.
- Email Server - Documents emailed by a batch output, documents emailed from a payment form, or emails sent by a campaign action.
- There is a new option added to the Mailings tab, this is displayed as an email icon.
- This button will open the email form with the PDF attachment, when there is an available PDF attachment.
- If the document and attachment are available to download then these will both be added as attachments to your new email.
- The email form can then be used to write an email or select a document to use.
- This option is only available for PDF or Individual Email Server emails.
- Batches now have a checkbox on the right of each row, as well as an option at the top of the batch to select all payments. When the batch is posted, this allows one or more transactions to be selected and download/email those specific documents with the right-click options. If the batch is unposted these multi-select options will allow you to update the payment status, delete payments or move payments to another batch for all selected with the right-click options.
- There is now an audit column added to each batch to display actions taken. This will be updated further to display more detail in the near future.
- More options have been added to the quick links options in the top menu bar to allow ease of access between different areas of vega:
- The Cashbook Report now includes these options:
- Option to include cancelled payments and will not include these as default.
- A Campaign filter now allows you to show payments for a specific campaign only.
- The campaign, Transaction ID, Pay Gate Reference, and Status have been added as columns on the All Payments tab.
- Recurring payments will now show the option to Use the Current Recurring Campaign, this is a tick box above the campaign dropdown. This works with the Recurring campaign tag to allow the payment generated by a recurrence to be processed against the most recent campaign with this specific tag.
- The email server has been divided into 4 separate servers for transaction emails, distribution emails, annual receipt emails and bulk emails. Users will not see a difference when emails are sent but this fix will resolve previously reported delays.
- Queries which include or exclude other queries were not executed correctly when used for the campaign recipients. This has now been resolved so that the nested queries can be used here.
8th April 2022
- Updates have been made to what contact fields are changed depending on whether the personalised GUID link is used or the contact is matched based on the fields entered and whether the subtype of the contact category is individual or multiple. There is also additional information recorded in the audit log to show these changes.
- GUID link with individual contact type:
- Any change made on the widget will be updated on the contact. This includes a change to the letter casing in the name fields. A change to the First Name will also update the Salutation and the Account Name. A change to the Last Name will also update the Account Name.
- Fields not included in the widget will not be changed on the contact.
- GUID link with multiple contact type:
- Any change made on the widget will be updated on the contact. This includes a change to the letter casing in the name fields. A change to the First Name will also update the Salutation. The Account Name will not be updated in any instance.
- Fields not included in the widget will not be changed on the contact.
- Non GUID link with individual contact type:
- The contact will be matched based on the first initial, last name and email, phone, or address.
- If the letter casing of the entered name is not the same as the existing contact but the text is the same then it will not be updated.
- We have published further checks and handling to prevent payments being created with duplicated distributions.
6th April 2022
New Features
- New merge tags are now available to be used for ticket purchases and a distribution summary, these are currently only available when sending/downloading a document from within vega, not a widget.
- #TicketSummary# will produce a grid displaying a row for each product purchased, the quantity purchased, the ticket numbers allocated, GST if included on the GL Code, and the total amount. A total row will be included also.
- #DistributionSummary# will produce a grid displaying a row for each different GL Code within the payment, product if they have been purchased, the quantity purchased, the GST if applicable for that GL Code, and the total amount. A total row will be included also. The Category column is populated from the GL Code name.
Ticket purchase with donation example: Membership payment with donation example: |
- First Name, Last Name, Salutation and Orgnisation have been added as fields displayed on the payment form under Contact Details. Hovering over these fields will display a label for the field the information is populated from.
- Additional detail has been added to the audit log when a payment is added/updated, a distribution is added/updated and attributes are added.
- When the payment form is restricted by document tags on the receipt documents displayed it would not allow a receipt to be downloaded if the existing document is not available. This has been resolved so that the document can always be downloaded, regardless if the document is no longer available as an active choice.
- The default campaign and GL Code were not always being displayed when a payment form is first loaded, this has been corrected now.
- The search option has been re-instated in the campaign dropdown on the payment form to make it easier to find the correct campaign.
31st March 2022
New Features
- We have added a further update to the event functionality so that a $0 transaction is created for a free RSVP event or a ticketed event with $0 tickets. This will be created as a transaction with paytype Free Event. This will then also create the product under the products tab and display the ticket numbers allocated for this event registration. The $0 payment allows a receipt document to be added to the payment and an acknowledgement/confirmation sent in response to the event registration. The event insights will be updated based on these $0 transactions to correctly track all registrations and the Responded to Campaign option can now be used in the query tool for these events. These 'payments' will not be included in the contact's support details or included in annual receipts. Events that are currently active have had a transaction created for any previous registrations.
- The merge tag #OrgSignatureText# was displaying text in a single line, this will now format correctly as it shows in the organisation profile.
28th March 2022
New Features
- Email receipts sent from the payment form or batches will be available to download from the Mailings tab on the contact. There will now be two options available, for the Email document and Attachment document. These are available when either the email or attachment document have the tax receipt tag. There is no change to the recording of PDF receipts sent out.
- Cheque payments were not saving the account name or cheque number, this has now been resolved.
18th March 2022
New Features
- Update to the Annual Receipt Generator now allows you to choose a document with a saved attachment that is able to produce merge tags. This means a document for your email content can be saved with a document with the receipt detail which will be delivered as the attached PDF.
- The query tool is able to except a blank from or to date for attribute or payment criteria now. This allows you to only set a from date range or to date range allowing for more dynamic queries. When left blank the to date will default as the current date.
- Updates to the query tool
- Criteria dates were reverting to the previous day but this has now been resolved and displays the chosen date.
- Opening query criteria was not maintaining the chosen values such as date ranges and equals or does not equal. When existing criteria is now opened it shows the correct details.
- Membership criteria can now be removed from the query tool.
- The annual receipt generator All Results tab has been reinstated.
- The tabs within the Solutions tab have been reinstated.
4th March 2022
New Features
- Update to the birthday preset queries to include an optional attribute selection. You will see a pop up where you can select a specific attribute to only see contacts with this attribute who have birthdays this/next month. If no attribute is selected then it will display all contacts with birthdays.
- Fixes
- The Apty Need Help? widget was sometimes blocking areas in vega and stopping functionality from being able to be used. This widget can now be moved by the user if it blocks a part of vega, simply click and drag the widget across the edge of the screen to move it out of the way.
1st March 2022
New Features
- Custom attributes within any widget can now be given a custom comment label. If you select to Show Comment you will be prompted to include a comment label. This is the wording to be displayed above the text area. The text entered here will be added to the attribute comment selected on the widget.
- CC and BCC fields have been added to the Add Email function on a contact. These are free text fields and can include multiple email addresses separated by a semi-colon; and up to 500 characters in total.
- The login page- has been updated with additional security features. Three incorrect login attempts will now block the user for 30 minutes. If you cannot log in for the first time please press ctrl + F5 or clear your cache from your browser settings to refresh the page for this update.
- The date picker on the donation widget has been resolved for the date of birth field.
- Thank you page while using a theme on the Contact Us widget was not displaying the text.
19th February 2022
New Features
- An update to the payment form allows receipts/acknowledgements to be sent per distribution.
- This has been updated by consolidating the functionality of emailing/downloading receipts to one service. This has centralised the functionality within vega for an improved service. Receipts downloaded from a batch or the payment form will be processed through the service and then an alert will notify the user with a link to download the file.
- All pledge preset queries now include date filters to set the pledge date range you would like to see the report for.
- We have updated the Pledge Management section of Insights to give a more detailed report of all pledges for your organisation and how you are tracking for all of these.
- Campaign actions can now be tagged. A default tag of Financial has been created and this can be used in the option under Admin > Dropdown Customisation to limit the campaigns shown on the payment form and batch defaults.
- RSVP and Ticket Events
- The event configuration has been updated to make it easier to create these events and displays many insights within this.
- Communications can now be sent from within an event action, generating a recipient list of invitees to the event and used to send further comms to these recipients.
- RSVP or Ticket purchases, via a widget or directly on a contact will now be recorded as Product payments and displayed on a separate Products tab on the contact.
- The option to show an 'add to calendar' on the widget is now available, as well as setting the attendee email field as mandatory in the event widget config under Form Options.
- There are now additional options in the event widget config to add a document to be displayed when the event capacity has been reached or when the event has reached the available to date, this is under Form Setup.
- Ticket Events
- Tickets can now be set with a quantity to state how many tickets are included in the type, for example, a couple ticket type can be set as a quantity of 2 and it will allocate 2 ticket numbers and deduct 2 from the quantity available.
- Tickets can be tagged as merchandise and these will not deduct from the ticket quantity available.
- Tickets can now be set with a maximum purchase amount, to limit the number someone can buy in one transaction.
- Tickets can be set with a bonus quantity, this will give free bonus tickets as per the number entered for each total purchase or each ticket purchased.
- Tickets can now be set as related to another ticket. This ticket will only be available on the widget when the related ticket has been added.
- Query tool
- The action buttons have been updated to icons and additional export options have been added directly within the query tool.
- The Output Columns have been divided into categories to make it easier to find the relevant fields, as well as specific fields only being available when specific criteria are used.
- Under Lists & Queries, Another query can now be included or excluded from your query.
- Attributes can now be selected based on their status, on a contact or payment and based on dynamic date ranges.
- Recurring payment schedules can now be queried on.
- Payments can now be queried on based on the status, payment type, payment date range, campaign, product, GL code, and pay type.
- The Total Price field has been removed from the event widget when an RSVP event has no price.
- The Add Attendee button in the event widget has been modified so that the text size shrinks with the size of the button for a better view on any screen size.
- Within the event configuration, a fix has been added when clicking configure for the widget, this now creates an event widget and takes you within this specific widget configuration.
- Within the query tool > Memberships, it is now indicated which of these memberships are inactive.
- When a payment is added the only option will be to save or close the payment, not download/send a receipt. Also, when a receipt is downloaded or emailed this will not automatically close the payment. These fixes prevent incorrect changes from being able to be saved to the payment. This update has also ensured that a distribution can not be removed from a payment and saved.
- In the query tool updates there has been a fix added when using the particulars field as an output column.
14th December 2021
New Features
- Update to preset query All Successful Payments to include PaymentTime as an output option
- Update to preset query All Contacts with Emails (OK To Contact) to include Email 3. Contacts will show in these results if they have an active Email, Alt Email, or Email 3.
- Update to preset query Widget Results for donation widgets. Attribute Value and Attribute Comment have been added as output columns.
3rd November 2021
- Merge tags for #Mobile# and #HomePhone# have been fixed for widget notice documents.
- Postcode value in #AddressBlock#, #AddressBlockAustralia#, #OrgAddressBlock#, and #PostCode# merge tags has been corrected for documents sent from the membership widget.
- The acceptance of terms and conditions is now mandatory in the registration widget, as it already was for the donation and membership widgets.
- When attributes are added on the Add Contact form, there is now an option to remove the attributes also.
New Features
- More detail has been added to the Audit log :
- When a new account status is added this now shows the old and new values as per the description.
- When a new mail status is added this now shows the old and new values as per the description.
- When a new contact branch is added this now shows the old and new values as per the description.
- When a new contact type is added this now shows the old and new values as per the description.
- When an alert is updated the user is now recorded.
- Source campaign description has been added when a contact is updated or saved.
- The import template will now check for your admin contact settings whether the title should be included in the account name when generating this. An account name will be automatically generated if this is left blank on the template and is creating a new contact.
- When a widget GUID link is used this will now display any existing title and date of birth on the contact when these fields have been added to the widget.
- The vega API now provides a configure option on the widget. This allows you to use the Form Setup and Acknowledgements options in the widget configuration for your API widgets.
13th October 2021
- Alert message when sending a test email to more than 10 contacts has been corrected to show the actual number of contacts in the list.
- Including a + in a document was being replaced by a blank space, this is populated in the email document.
- When NZ post is enabled this was not used for the address search when adding a gift membership in the widget.
- Event and registration widgets were not scrolling to the top when the form had been submitted.
- Document tags were being duplicated of the same type on a document.
- A home page has been created for so that this is displayed instead of an error message when viewing previous transactions from Apple Pay.
- The additional country field has been removed on the event widget, the country dropdown pre-populated with your organisation country is now the only one used.
- A scroll bar has been added to the alert reminder type to display longer content.
20th September 2021
New Features
- Self-help support tools have been added to vega, providing guided workflows, linked articles, and tooltips. Please see the email sent from support on 15th September for a link to give your feedback on this new feature
- Batch total figures have been split to show the batch totals and the successful totals so you can easily see if there are any payments declined, pending, or incomplete.
- Your organisation currency is now shown in the Organisation Profile under Admin.
- The character limit on attribute values and comments has been increased to 500 and 2000. There is an indicator of how many characters are left when adding text in these fields
- New customisations available for payment workflows and recurring payment workflows
- There is now functionality to make campaign headers inactive, this will also make all campaign actions inactive too
- Add to list from email campaign metrics was not creating a new list
- On the add payment form, the Send Receipt or Download Receipt button will be disabled while the payment is saving to avoid payments being distributed multiple times
- Macrons in an email subject line from Engage email action were not being included
- Merge contacts
- Annual receipt number was not being included in the new payments from merged contacts
- All payments are created on the To contact, regardless if the same payment detail already exists
- Payment distributions have been corrected when a transaction has multiple of these
- A fix has been added when some attributes were duplicated on merge
- Additional checks have been added to the merge functionality for attribute type is unique or not and attribute is unique or not
- Import data
- Campaigns created in a payment or contact import are now created with a default (flag) campaign action and other actions are created as external list action type
- Contact Category, Entity Status Reason, Mail Status Reason, and Contact Branch will not be updated if these fields are left blank on a matched contact using the contact template
- The status attributes described above will not be updated when the payment import is used
- Contact import template will add the salutation as the first name for any new contacts when this field is blank in the template. Salutation will not be overwritten for matches contacts if the field is left blank
- Contact import will update the account name when a value is entered for this field and contacts are matched
- Contact import will create a new address when any of the address fields are included in the template, for new and matched contacts
- The SuppID is generated for any new contacts created by import, this follows your organisation sequential numbering
- Contact matching for imports will check for active contacts and then inactive contacts for the matching criteria, the match criteria described in the articles have been updated
- The attribute import template will import attributes with a closed status when the value in the template is closed, it will import as open for any other value or blank
- Note import will create your organisation's own attribute type for any note types used
2nd September 2021
- Add to an existing list from within an email action was creating a new list of the same name. This is now adding the selected contacts correctly to the existing list
- Now able to upload a CSS file to a brand new widget
- The document showing on a payment form and on the mailings tab always showed the one-off acknowledgement, this now reflects the true document sent to the contact when a recurring payment is made
- Organisation settings in admin were slow to save but this has now been separated to individual save functions for the current tab being edited
- Organisations using Paystation gateway showed the default from email, instead of that selected in the widget but this is now resolved. The #Comments# merge tag was also not populating in the notification email for Paystation gateway, this has also been resolved
- The GL Code dropdowns for donation widget processing fee and membership widget mebership GL have been updated to show the GL code and name
- Sometimes the orgID of a previous contact was incorrectly displayed on another contact, this has been resolved
26th August 2021
New Features
- Import template for Funraisin export to import support-led payments. The import will create or match contacts for the fundraiser and donors. See the article here for full detail on this import.
18th August 2021
- Apple Pay and Google Pay fixed to show AUD or A$ for Australian clients using this functionality
- Bulk attribute Insert from a list or query results was changing the button from Add to Go for the insert attribute option. This has been resolved to always be Add, this functionality inserts the selected attribute to all contacts in the result set
- When a receipt is downloaded with an inactive campaign, this was not showing correctly in the mailings tab. The inactive campaign name will now be displayed for the mailing
- On the mailings tab in a contact, documents tagged with tax receipt are available to download as a copy of the original receipt. This has been corrected to download as an A4 paper size
- Xero was not importing transactions without a payment reference, this is resolved to import all transactions regardless of the reference
- Xero was not saving new matches. Any manual match added will save to the Existing Transactions and then be added to Cross-References once the transactions have been imported to a batch
- The custom attribute in the widget was previously showing as the option type DateTime but this has been updated to Date as it does not record the time. The placeholder has also been updated to NZ format dd/mm/yyyy
- A validation has been added to campaign actions to ensure a name and code are entered before selecting a recipient list within the action. This ensures that the automatic recipient list created includes a campaign name
- When sending a test email from an email campaign action the subject was not updating to that entered in the pop-up. This has been resolved so you can ensure contacts receiving this email are aware it is a test
11th August 2021
- Bulk removal of attributes is now functioning as expected, from query or list grid results click More > Insert Attribute, choose the attribute, and click remove to delete this attribute from all contacts in the results
9th August 2021
New Features
- Membership Widget Advanced Configuration is now available to improve the customisation of financial coding and acknowledgement documents based on the membership type or attribute selected in the widget
- PayPal is now available as a payment option in the membership widget, as well as the donation widget
- The width of the document dropdown selector in a campaign action has been restored to full width
- Validation added for MYOB and Xero to ensure a connection to allow GL code and bank account imports
- If a multi-type contact category is used as your default, this will display the correct form when adding a new contact
- A payment receipt is able to be downloaded if the campaign or GL code is inactive
- Send receipt can now be used on payment add. The payment details can be entered and Send receipt button clicked to download or email the receipt document and save the payment at the same time. If processing a credit card payment through your gateway, you should still save the payment first to ensure the payment is successful
- When a new contact is created and a work phone is added the correct telecom type is used
- Unsubscribe preset query resolved so that the attribute filter allows the results to be based on this attribute requirement, as well as Unsubscribe attribute
- In widget configuration, the copy option has been resolved for the subsequent pages when many widgets exist
- Memberships created from a widget will calculate the correct expiry date, regardless of receipt settings
- When multiple payments were being added, the previous receipt document used showed as selected in the payment form for the next payment
- In the widget configuration for Donation and Membership widgets, the financial dropdowns now include the campaign header and campaign action names
19th July 2021
New Features
- MYOB Integration with functionality to import GL Codes, import bank accounts, post payments to MYOB, and import payments from MYOB
- Apple Pay payment option available for all widgets when using Stripe as your gateway
- Google Pay payment option available for all widgets when using Stripe as your gateway
- Add to list function from Money > Failed Transactions has been fixed
- Xero integration- importing pay amounts including cents
- Xero integration- posting payments with a GL Code with a tax rate
21st June 2021
- Documents being sent from the Send to Admin workflows have been fixed to populate the merge tags correctly.
21st May 2021
New Features
- New preset query All Members Last 5 Years- gives a total number of members over the last 5 years for each membership type. This is calculated by the contact having the membership attribute valid for any span of that calendar year regardless of status.
- Audit log to show old and new values when an attribute is deleted, inserted or updated
- Audit log to show the old and new values when a telecom is updated or inserted
Widget Validations added:
- a document must be selected when Notify me? = Yes
- in Custom Attributes and attribute or attribute type must be selected
- In a Registration widget, you are only allowed to choose a thank you document OR a donation widget to display
19th May 2021
New Features
- #Memoriam# merge tag available in widget notification document to generate in-memory detail from the donation widget
- Service Email sender name included in acknowledgment documents sent from a widget
- Fixed error multiple bookings in event widget
- Account and Mail Status reasons added from a widget or trigger will update the actual Status value, eg. An Inactive Mail Status reason added from a widget will untick the Mail Status checkbox
30th April 2021
- Fixed Bank Lodgement Report printing with additional blank pages from the batch output
- Fixed error with notification document being removed from the donation widget
- Widget Results preset query will only show attributes added from the widget, even if same attribute exists on the contact.
20th April 2021
- Fixed merge tag for #HomePhone# in Event widget notification document
- Fixed merge tag for #Email# in Contact Us widget notification document
- Fixed error with Life Membership until date on payment form
24th March 2021
- Fixed issue when including Campaign and/or GL Code in a widget Email link using an external container URL
18th March 2021
New Features
- PayPal Integration is now available for the donation widget
- New Preset Query- All Active Members with a recurring donation
- New Preset Query- All Active Members with one off donation
- New Preset Query- Active Contributors Last 3 Donations by Start date or Attribute
- Fixed issue when adding Supporter-led Payments in a batch not displaying contact details
- Campaign Header Description added to Campaign Summary report Insights > Campaign Analytics > Campaign Summary
26th February 2021
New Features
- Normal captcha replaced with invisible captcha on all donation widgets
25th February 2021
New Features
- Xero authentication has been updated to Auth2.0 and re-connection is required
- Fixes
- Fixed error with not being able to save letter case edits on a contact
16th February 2021
New Features
- New Zealand Post Address Finder Integration
11th February 2021
New Features
4th February 2021
New Features
- Widget documents now support other languages and special characters
20th January 2021
New Features
- Updated login page for added security
- Fixed copy to clipboard button for widget email link
17th December 2020
New Features
- Export to Excel service for queries
- Registration widget invisible recaptcha
- New preset query- All Successful Payments Not Acknowledged
- Receipt type dropdown customisation setting now includes receipt type in batch defaults
- New preset query- All Contacts With Relationships And Attributes
- Contact widget notification email resolved
13th October 2020
New Features
- New Document Dropdown Customisation
- #SuppID# Merge Tag is added to populate suppID from a contact
- Reference, Code and Particulars have been added to the one-off payment form
- Comment field added to Key Attributes on contact dashboard
- Copy Widget function includes custom attributes and advanced configuration settings
11th September 2020
New Features
- Organisation column added in All Payments tab in Cashbook report
- Paytype text box added in payment form to allow inactive types to be displayed
7th September 2020
New Features
- Batch code auto generator added to create code as per the user's Branch initials, Year, Month, Day, User initials
2nd September 2020
New Features
- Multi-page and Minimum address added to widget configuration for Donation widget
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